TexasGal 的文章
[] Master8我有问题
TexasGal 2016-02-12 06:34:43
[] 八老师,在申请零时AP的时候的emergency evidence能不能举些例子
TexasGal 2015-12-10 13:35:52
[] 八老师, 昨天终于收到移民局的电子邮件说是I797在7-10日内会送到
TexasGal 2015-11-25 09:23:37
[] Master 8 How long does it normally take to get I485 receipt?
TexasGal 2015-11-23 11:58:43
[] Master 8, I have received a letter from United States Department
TexasGal 2015-11-16 07:21:37
[] Master 8, Do I need I864 with my I485 for my mother? Thank you
TexasGal 2015-10-06 07:21:52
[] Master 8, Is it true that my mother cant leave the US
TexasGal 2015-08-30 07:22:14
[] My mother's 485 - Please help
TexasGal 2015-08-26 13:33:08