hanker 的文章
[] 大家给看看,这是什么意思,绿了还是拒了
hanker 2010-08-04 10:44:44
[] 新华快讯:印度大使力争未果,巴铁后裔履新白宫移民主管
hanker 2009-08-12 14:50:08
[] 印度大使宴请移民局长,两人相视一笑:又把中国人X了一次-爽
hanker 2009-08-12 10:58:03
[] 美加州议会通过提案就历史上排华行为道歉
hanker 2009-07-11 22:08:19
[] 关于VB:积极争取还是继续窝囊,我不知100多年来华人在
hanker 2009-07-10 15:55:22
[] 关于雇律师专业打理游说职业移民的几点意见
hanker 2009-05-10 07:08:01
[] 求助:人在中国,可以renew EAD吗?
hanker 2009-03-26 22:04:36
[] anxious-PD is current now but still have not received FP notice
hanker 2008-07-11 12:32:28
[] NND,去年7月485 还没收到FP notice, 还有同路人吗?有July filer最近收到FP吗
hanker 2008-04-24 09:03:18
[] furongli, How about your Infopass on 2/22 about your FP?
hanker 2008-03-24 13:01:33
[] July 18 I485 TSC FP not recieved _called today and was told
hanker 2008-03-17 10:03:50