maoduoduomama 的文章
[] Card production ordered just now. EB2, 08/01/2005maoduoduomama 2010-03-24 15:24:56[] 求助, 只有EAD, 没有H1/H4, 算out of status吗?maoduoduomama 2009-03-05 13:06:31[] 父母几年前来美时申请的退税ITIN号,今年还能用吗?maoduoduomama 2009-03-02 12:46:10[] Dec VB is out, no changesmaoduoduomama 2008-11-10 10:42:04[] Any June 2007 filers did not get GC? Am I the only one left?maoduoduomama 2008-08-14 12:55:18[] Help! PD current in Aug. H1 will expire in Nov. 1, Can I apply Emaoduoduomama 2008-07-31 11:14:58[] 急问? 父亲已来美三次, 母亲来美4次, 谁拿到签证的机会大?maoduoduomama 2008-01-22 16:08:13[] Fedex overnight 不接受PO Box. 大家准备怎么寄啊?maoduoduomama 2007-05-29 10:48:37[] Xiaobaitu and other experts, help!!! on I-485&131 formmaoduoduomama 2007-05-28 00:09:55[] 配偶有工作需要填I-134(Affidavit of Support)吗?maoduoduomama 2007-05-18 16:26:42[] Help!! 公证名字和护照名字不同, 怎么办?maoduoduomama 2007-05-17 13:07:17[] 485 DIY, let's team up and share info. Come in!maoduoduomama 2007-05-17 11:10:34[] To TX_Kitty, are you filing by yourself? Can we share info?maoduoduomama 2007-05-16 15:04:58[] Help!! Shall I put I-485 and my LG's in one envelope or seperatemaoduoduomama 2007-05-16 14:36:56[] Shall I put I-485 and my LG's in one envelope or seperate?maoduoduomama 2007-05-16 11:30:37[] Shall I put I-485 application and my LG's in one envelope?maoduoduomama 2007-05-15 13:16:30[] Shall we file now, or wait till June 1st?maoduoduomama 2007-05-14 13:58:16[] 请问给父母申请税号时, 税号没寄来,加州州税上怎么填?maoduoduomama 2007-01-24 13:49:25[] 请问申请I-485,出生公证必需要照片吗? 我们出国前办的没有照片怎么办maoduoduomama 2007-01-24 12:31:03[] 请各位大侠帮忙看看我的问题maoduoduomama 2007-01-12 13:32:18[] 请问北京签证预约到几月几号了?maoduoduomama 2007-01-12 10:09:53[] 请问给父母申请税号maoduoduomama 2007-01-09 13:00:03[] Please help!!! 急!maoduoduomama 2007-01-09 12:17:29[] About 回美证(AP), please help!!!maoduoduomama 2006-12-06 14:49:39[] 请问各位,如果使用回美证(AP)maoduoduomama 2006-11-14 16:12:16[] 请问EB2可以自己同时file I140/485吗?maoduoduomama 2005-09-24 10:00:46[] Anybody know how to evaluationmaoduoduomama 2005-06-28 21:54:32[] Where to do the evaluation ?maoduoduomama 2005-06-28 16:46:17[] Please help, accounting job Q!maoduoduomama 2005-06-06 09:18:53[] Help, Urgent! I'm waiting hermaoduoduomama 2005-05-31 14:45:04