niceheart 的文章
[] 急问 Pijing等高手: about H1Bniceheart 2009-04-28 06:39:35[] buaaecs, can you share your template and lawyer's information?niceheart 2009-02-06 08:04:01[] Experts' help: post-doc or Staff positionniceheart 2009-02-03 15:41:01[] urgent!! Please help, expertsniceheart 2009-01-28 07:10:51[] Thanks, Pjiangniceheart 2008-11-23 07:23:07[] Pjiang, XiaoBaiTu, and other expets, can you help with this quesniceheart 2008-11-16 12:00:57[] Pjiang, and others: please helpniceheart 2008-10-22 07:59:16[] can we get H1-B visa for a part-time job offer?niceheart 2008-09-04 12:20:05[] Pjiang and Litte White Rabbitniceheart 2008-08-28 11:32:10[] Pjiang and Xiao Bai Tu: H1-B againniceheart 2008-06-19 06:31:36[] To Pijiang: thanks and more questions.niceheart 2008-06-17 08:55:51[] 请教pijiang ,xiabaitu大侠关于H1B visaniceheart 2008-06-16 08:37:44[] any predicationniceheart 2008-04-21 11:00:16[] 一个雇主不能为同一人申请多份H-1B?niceheart 2008-04-03 11:14:12[] 关于绿卡如何办niceheart 2008-03-14 12:20:12[] 急问:注课不足niceheart 2008-03-13 10:36:06[] This is a 'Thanks' message to Pjiang, Thanks, Pjiang, for yourniceheart 2008-03-13 07:45:27[] 绿卡如何办??.niceheart 2008-03-13 07:43:39[] H1-B 签证一个问题niceheart 2008-03-12 07:02:16[] any one know how to find if the employers will do the sponsorshiniceheart 2008-02-26 08:48:51[] pjiang, are you a lawyer?niceheart 2008-01-07 13:00:12[] I-20 表格之间有三天的距离是否对将来移民有影响?niceheart 2008-01-07 06:43:23