qujohn88 的文章

[] Elvis Presley - can't help falling in love with youqujohn88 2011-06-22 04:57:26[] Saint Saens Concerto 3 (1/4)qujohn88 2011-05-17 11:12:27[] Caprice Viennois Koganqujohn88 2011-04-30 01:14:40[] "Caprice Viennois" Mischa Elmanqujohn88 2011-04-30 01:07:20[] Henryk Szeryng - Bach Fugue from Sonata No.1qujohn88 2011-04-22 02:56:21[] 维也纳回旋曲qujohn88 2011-04-16 07:35:28[] Paganini's moto perpetuoqujohn88 2011-04-06 11:32:25[] David Oistrakh play Beethoven (春天)qujohn88 2011-04-04 12:59:27[] Michael Rabin Broadcast 10/4/62 (1/4)qujohn88 2011-04-04 12:30:31[] 夜來香(李香蘭)qujohn88 2011-01-01 07:28:39[] 梭羅河畔 『Bengawan Solo』~ 顧媚 【Carrie Koo Mei】qujohn88 2010-12-30 17:05:44[] 美丽的梭罗河qujohn88 2010-12-29 12:51:22[] David Oistrakh Beethoven sonata n. 9 "Kreutzer" (克鲁采)qujohn88 2010-12-24 16:02:45[] David Oistrakh play Beethoven (春天)qujohn88 2010-12-24 15:57:47[] 找到一个更好的jingle bells,,,,qujohn88 2010-12-24 13:04:26[] Jingle Bells__祝大家圣诞节快乐!qujohn88 2010-12-24 12:01:30[] 新疆之春 Spring of Xinjiang (演奏者不详,盛中国的找不到)qujohn88 2010-12-15 10:43:11[] 克莱斯勒 (维也纳幻想曲 & 中国花鼓) by Michael Rabinqujohn88 2010-12-15 10:38:14[] Rabin plays A.Glazunov violin concerto in A minor Iqujohn88 2010-12-15 10:34:20[] Michael Rabin: Paganini's moto perpetuoqujohn88 2010-12-15 10:31:02[] 洋妞演奏蹩脚星条旗永不落进行曲qujohn88 2010-12-13 11:42:27[] 星条旗永不落(进行曲)qujohn88 2010-12-13 11:40:54[] 光荣的普鲁士 进行曲qujohn88 2010-12-12 07:34:46[] 老朋友(战友)进行曲qujohn88 2010-12-12 07:30:47[] Maria CALLAS sings Carmen HABANERAqujohn88 2010-11-28 16:06:55[] La Victoire est à Nous !胜利属于我们!qujohn88 2010-11-11 14:12:15[] 街頭型男,傾倒眾生 - 犀利哥!qujohn88 2010-04-13 12:07:12[] 摇滚卡农,,,祝大家周末愉快,,,qujohn88 2010-02-20 13:08:35[] Heifetz plays Bruch Scottish Fantasy part 3 (1947)qujohn88 2009-09-19 10:43:46[] 帕格尼尼无穷动 by Michael Rabinqujohn88 2009-09-16 14:02:18