sosolala 的文章

[] 简介几位拉丁歌手的畅销曲。[连续播放]sosolala 2006-06-26 09:49:07[] 电影插曲: Alone at a Drive-In Moviesosolala 2006-06-16 21:25:52[] :梁永琪, 古巨基: 许愿sosolala 2006-06-16 19:47:08[] Saturday Night Fever 插曲: Stayin' Alive By Bee Geessosolala 2006-05-08 05:06:06[] 电影[Grease] 主题曲sosolala 2006-05-07 21:03:37[] Mireille Mathieu: La Vie En Rose, sw12255 乐友请进sosolala 2006-04-23 11:27:49[] 同一首歌陈红,蔡国庆: 悄悄蒙上你的眼睛sosolala 2006-04-21 20:32:04[] 在冷静与热情之间 插曲sosolala 2006-04-07 20:17:00[] The Best Party In Town整理到这张旧碟,给喜欢快节奏的朋友sosolala 2006-04-02 09:29:29[] 拉丁情歌单曲 BY Charlie Zaasosolala 2006-03-29 14:24:38[] 卡门”歌词(法语): Habanera(哈巴涅拉), oulala同学请进...sosolala 2006-03-28 16:06:14[] 曼托瓦尼乐队(MANTOVANI) 专辑: Golden Hitssosolala 2006-03-28 09:44:28[] 曼托瓦尼乐队(MANTOVANI) 专辑: shadow of your Smilesosolala 2006-03-27 15:40:11[] Simon & Garfunkel: The Sound of Silencesosolala 2006-03-26 18:37:36[] Sunday Jazz, Frank Sinatra & 艾灵顿公爵sosolala 2006-03-26 16:01:03[] Taylor Dane 精选贴三首: I'll always love yousosolala 2006-03-25 19:31:45[] Wellness Lounge 摘三首sosolala 2006-03-19 13:27:13[] Sunday Jazz, Louis Armstrong & Billie Holidaysosolala 2006-03-19 07:36:05[] 来个MILLI VANILLI 的 GIRL I'M GONNA MISS YOU 看看, 知道故事的要sosolala 2006-03-18 18:17:22[] 请求重贴 No Me Ames by J. Lo & Marc Anthony (MTV 更好)谢了.sosolala 2006-03-18 07:38:54[] 请问哪位大仙有 KAOMA LAMBADA 的原版MV (希望尚未绝版), 多谢.sosolala 2006-03-17 16:49:58[] 哪位能给贴一个麦洁文的 莱茵河畔sosolala 2006-03-15 10:56:54