sunrise1 的文章
[] After RFE, LUD continuesly changed for 4 days. I am bit worry
sunrise1 2006-09-15 15:58:22
[] 在移民局收到RFE回复和批准绿卡前,LUD要变多少次?
sunrise1 2006-09-14 15:57:57
[] juneyu, when did you send answer to REF?
sunrise1 2006-09-11 16:16:23
[] strange, Name check pending, but get such I-485 RFE
sunrise1 2006-09-07 09:02:53
[] I-485 RFE
sunrise1 2006-09-05 14:57:18
[] 从收到CIS的e-mail noice 到收到I-485 RFE letter 要多长时间?
sunrise1 2006-08-24 14:26:05
[] 收到I-485 RFE说明name check 完了吗?
sunrise1 2006-08-23 12:38:27
[] I-485 RFE?
sunrise1 2006-08-23 10:18:29
[] why I can'r past post
sunrise1 2006-08-18 10:18:16
[] Can I renew EAD after old one expired?
sunrise1 2006-08-04 11:19:20
[] I-485,排期到后收到REF,是否意味着name check已完成
sunrise1 2006-07-17 14:10:02
[] name check 完成到I-485 REF or I-485 批准大概需要多少时间?
sunrise1 2006-07-07 14:57:42
[] biomitric 多长时间有效?
sunrise1 2006-07-03 12:33:49
[] 气死了.PD过了一年半了,I-485还在pending
sunrise1 2006-06-12 13:08:36
[] 按照FBI的说法,name checking 长期pending的
sunrise1 2006-05-10 20:47:10
[] If your PD is current and I-485 is still pending please click he
sunrise1 2006-05-10 12:32:58
[] just readed an immigration case. The name chekcing was pending f
sunrise1 2006-05-04 02:30:01