欲借嵯峨 的文章

[] 【我的男神】吉他弹唱:写给无糖欲借嵯峨 2022-03-12 03:02:06[] 【我的女神】吉他弹唱:听闻远方有你, 和水乡撞车了哈:)欲借嵯峨 2022-03-06 04:48:56[] 吉他弹唱:和我一起老去的滑雪板欲借嵯峨 2022-02-27 04:53:01[] 吉他独奏:The Lonely Shepherd, 孤独的牧羊人欲借嵯峨 2022-02-21 07:04:03[] 也贴一首新点儿的乡村“ In case you didn't know", 朋友们情人节快乐!欲借嵯峨 2022-02-14 18:18:11[] 请欣赏同事女儿给我的弹奏做的后期:巴赫C大调前奏曲欲借嵯峨 2022-02-02 10:29:53[] 除夕之夜弹梁祝,祝星空虎年鸿运!欲借嵯峨 2022-01-31 17:08:47[] 除夕之夜弹梁祝,祝朋友们虎年鸿运!欲借嵯峨 2022-01-31 08:48:05[] Have You Ever Seen the Rain, 祝美风和梅雨坛朋友春节快乐!欲借嵯峨 2022-01-30 15:52:11[] 【星座大表白】吼一首 Have You Ever Seen the Rain, 送给内心偶尔挣扎找不着北的天蝎们欲借嵯峨 2022-01-30 07:16:34[] 【星座大表白】被老婆逼着给她的肉麻徐志摩朗诵伴奏,送给天秤座欲借嵯峨 2022-01-29 03:20:43[] 改编一首俄罗斯民歌“ Million Scarlett Roses", 百万朵玫瑰欲借嵯峨 2022-01-23 06:12:43[] 【家 home】Coming Home欲借嵯峨 2021-12-19 14:47:06[] 【心动的一句】I am alone I am not lonely欲借嵯峨 2021-11-13 08:49:57[] Simply beautiful, the melody and her innocent smile欲借嵯峨 2021-10-28 08:36:09[] 谢美风生日祝福,给天蝎们送上一首“ 蝎子的天空”欲借嵯峨 2021-10-24 17:28:52[] Happy Thanksgiving! Shostakovich " The Second Waltz"欲借嵯峨 2021-10-11 08:02:30[] Weekend guitar solo: After A Thousand Years欲借嵯峨 2021-09-26 16:45:35[] 【ToYouToMe】Guitar Solo: Moonlight in St Lawrence River欲借嵯峨 2021-09-11 15:17:43[] Classical guitar solo: Lagrima欲借嵯峨 2021-08-27 09:55:02[] 周末古典音乐介绍:吉他solo:Fernando Sor Study in B minor “ Moonlight"欲借嵯峨 2021-08-22 08:50:32[] Guitar solo: Fransisco Tarrega " Tango"+网友美声和唱欲借嵯峨 2021-08-14 18:53:17[] 用陶三在美坛发表的诗给的灵感写一首歌曲:如果欲借嵯峨 2021-08-14 10:59:56[] 周末时光请欣赏我弹奏的短solo:Swan Lake.欲借嵯峨 2021-08-07 15:28:52[] 萱草花欲借嵯峨 2021-07-31 17:45:52[] 偷得浮生一日闲: Kiss The Rain欲借嵯峨 2021-07-20 13:14:45[] 【蓝队】【美坛蓝绿绑架争霸】盈盈 明月照沟渠欲借嵯峨 2021-07-09 18:41:31[] 脑筋急转弯:What is this?欲借嵯峨 2021-07-07 10:47:18[] The Moon Represents My heart欲借嵯峨 2021-07-05 04:52:03[] Jaguar: "Sorry, body, My wife just want a Gucci bag!"欲借嵯峨 2021-06-29 16:31:04