chuntianle2017-07-07 02:29:02
意大利文艺复兴:意大利在十四世纪至十六世纪期间开创了伟大的文化变革,是中世纪与早期现代欧洲之间的过渡。 佛罗伦萨市以文艺复兴时期的出生地而闻名,特别是文艺复兴时期的绘画。


1. Enthroned Madonna and Child
Tempera on Panel 13th Century
Anonymous Byzantine
2. Madonna and Child
Tempera on Panel, c. 1320/1330
Florentine, probably 1266-1337
3. Madonna and Child
Tempera on Panel, c. 1440
Fra Filippo Lippi
Florentine, c. 1406-1469
4. The Nativity with the Prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel
Tempera on Panel, 1308/1311
Duccio Di Duoninsegna
Sienese, c. 1255-1318
5. The Adoration of the Magi
Tempera on Panel, c. 1440/1460
Fra Angelico and Fra Filippo Lippi
Florentine, c. 1395-1455, 
Florentine, c. 1406-1469
6. The Adoration of the Magi
Tempera and Oil on Panel, c. 1478/1482
Sandro Botticelli
Florentine, 1446-1510
7. The Annunciation
Tempera on Panel c. 1445/1450
Fra Carnevale
Active c. 1445-1484
8. David with the Head of Goliath
Tempera on Leather on Wood, c. 1450/1455
Andrea Del Castagno
Florentine, before 1419-1457
9. Ginevra De' Benci (Obverse)
Oil on Panel, c. 1474/1478
Leonardo Da Vinci
Florentine, 1452-1519
10. Ginevra De' Benci (Reverse)
Tempera on Panel, c. 1474/1478
Leonardo Da Vinci
Florentine, 1452-1519
11. The Crucifixion
Tempera and Oil on Panel, c. 1504/1505
Luca Signorelli
Umbrian, 1445/1450-1523
12. The Nativity, with God the Father
Surrounded by Angels and Cherubim
Tempera on Panel, c. 1472
Francesco Di Giorgio Martini
Sienese, 1439-1501
13. The Adoration of the Shepherds
Oil on Panel, c. 1505/1510
Venetian, 1477 or 1478 -1510
14. The Feast of the Gods
Oil on Canvas, c. 1514/1529
Giovanni Bellini and Titian
Venetian, c. 1427-1516, and Venetian, c. 1490-1576
15. Aeneas and Achates on the Libyan Coast
Oil on Canvas, c. 1520
Dosso Dossi
Ferrarese, active 1512-1542
16. The Alba Madonna
Oil on Panel Transferred to Canvas, c. 1510
Marchigian, 1483-1520
17. Venus with a Mirror
Oil on Canvas, c. 1555
Venetian, c. 1490-1576
18. The Crucifixion with the Virgin, Saint John,
Saint Jerome, and Saint Mary Magdalene
Oil on Panel Transferred to Canvas, c. 1482/1485
Pietro Perugino
Umbrian, c. 1450-1523
19. Saint George and the Dragon
Oil on Panel, c. 1506
Marchigian, c. 1483-1520
20. Saint George and the Dragon
Oil on Panel, probably 1518
Sienese, 1477-1549
21. Giuliano De' Medici
Terra Cotta, c. 1475/1478
Andrea Del Verrocchio
Florentine, 1435-1488
22. Lorenzo De' Medici
Terra Cotta, 1478/1521
Florentine 15th/16th Century
Probably after a Model by  Andrea Del Verrocchio 1435-c.1488
and Orsino Benintendi, 1440-c. 1498

chuntianle2017-07-07 03:42:41
你好微之居士。谢谢鼓励。 周末愉快!
chuntianle2017-07-08 13:55:36
你好,伯乐山翁。 周末愉快!
chuntianle2017-07-08 13:56:29
你好,Tortoises。 谢谢支持。
chuntianle2017-07-08 13:57:02
你好,老梅林。 周末愉快。
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