Tortoises2018-11-17 13:36:58

Peter C, 1961. Manchester Art Galley。

我就是看了这幅画后,学习着把人体分成在两张上画的。我的还没画完 ;(。

最近的加州大火,烧了Malibu不少豪宅,不知道David Hockney在Malibu的房子如何。

下面介绍下David Hockney的作品,早期和作品出风格,后期作品比较精致。


Study for Dollboy, 1960. Tate. 1967年之前, Homosexuality在英国时违法的。文学巨匠Wilder, 计算机鼻祖Turing都因此被捕过。David Hockney就用Doll boy这个系列来表达他的性取向。“Doll Boy”的名字,来源于Sir Cliff Richard的一句歌词“She's a real live walking talking living doll”.

We Two Boys Together Clinging, 1961. 这画的表题来源于报纸上的一条登山意外的新闻“Two Boy Cling to Cliff all Night”.  标题强烈地暗示他和Sir Cliff Richard的关系。

"Doll Boy", 1960-61. Oil on Canvas. 48*39". Private Collection.

Cliff, 1962. Oil on Board. Royal College of Art。这画是David老爷子年轻时在The Royal College of Art时画的。 这画是表达David对流行乐老妖Cliff Richard的爱慕。Sir Cliff Richard当时还未出柜, 但David认定他是gay。Cliff 出现在David的多幅画作中,并从中创造出前面提到的“Doll Boy”。这画画的是公厕墙上的涂鸦“David loves Cliff”。

Domestic Scene, Los Angeles, 1963. 60*60 私藏

Man in Shower in Beverly Hills, 1964. 藏于Tate, London.

Picture of a Hollywood Swimming Pool, 1964. Acrylic on Canvas, 36*48".

Peter Getting Out of Nick's Pool, 1966. 藏于Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool.

Beberly Hills Housewife, 1966. Private Collection. Part of his California Dreaming series.

Portrait of Nick Wilder, 1966. Acrylic on Canvas, 72*72". Private Collection.

A Lawn Being Sprinkled, 1967. Acrylic on Canvas, 60*60" 私藏

A Bigger Splash, 1967. Tate。


The Room, Manchester Street. 1967.

Christopher Isherwood and Don Bachardy, 1968. 私藏

American Collectors, Fred & Marcia Weisman, 1968. The Art Insititue of Chicago.

Glass Table with Objects, 1969. Drawing, Graphite, Crayon and Gouache on Paper, 353 * 430mm. Tate.

Three Chairs With a Section of a Picasso Mural, 1970. 

Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Percy, 1970-71.

Beach Umbrella, 1971. Private Collection.

Still Life on a Glass Table, 1971-72. Acrylic on Canvas, 72*108". Private Collection. 

Portrait of An Artist (Pool with Two Figures), 1972. Auction Record by a living artist, $90m(£70m).

Yves Marie in the Rain, 1973

Cushions, 1973. David Hockney的习作。看大咖们的习作,有时候能学习很多。

Contre-Jour in the French Style-Against the day Dans le Style-Francais, 1974.

Gregory,1974. Etching。 Arts Council Collection。Gregory Evans是David七十年代的模特和伴侣。Hockney写了下面一段话当Arts Council Collection购买这幅画的印刷品时:

It is an etching drawn directly on to copper plates from life, using a technique I learned from Aldo Cromm[e]lynk in Paris, who had derived it from Picasso… normally to  make a two colour print like this one, would require  working from a drawing (not life) to separate the colours... his... technique makes this not necessary and  enables one to be spontaneous using as many colours as one needs. 

Shireley Goldfarb & Gregory Masurovsky, 1974

Model with Unfinished Self-Portrait, 1977. 60*60". Private Collection.

My Parents, 1977, Tate. 72*72", Oil on Canvas. 

A Large Diver, Paper Pool 27, 1978. David Hockney Gallery, Cartwright Hall, Bradford. 下图是2017年开馆时的照片。


Outpost Drive, Hollywood 1980. Private Collection.

Hollywood Hills House, 1981-82. Oil, Charcoal & Collage on Canvas, 60*120". 藏于Walker Art Center, Minneapolis. David老爷子在Hollywood Hills也有房子,不知道是不是画的自家。

My Mother, Bolton Abbey, Yorkshire, 1982.

Billy+Audrey Wilder, Los Angeles, April 1982, 1982. Composit polaroid, 46*44". Private Collection.

Kasmin, 1982.

David Hockney, 1983. Charcoal, 30 1/8*22 3/8", National Portrait Gallery. 2003年画过一幅和这个很像的水彩。见下面2003年的Self Portrait with Red Braces.

Pearblossom Hwy., 11-18 April 1986, #1, Photographic Collage, 47*64.5". J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles.

Large Interior, Los Angeles, 1988.

Malibu House, 1988.

The Fourth V.N. Painting, 1992. Oil on Canvas, 24*24"

Snails Space with Vari-liters, Painting as Performance. 1995-96.

Halaconia In Green Vase, 1996, Oil on Canvas, 72*72"

The Road to York through Sledmere, 1997. Oil on Canvas, 48*60".

A Bigger Grand Canyon, 1998. NAtional Gallery of Australia.

Garrowby Hill, 1998.

Red Pots in the Garden 2000, Private Collection.

The Gate, 2000.

Going Up Garrowby Hill 2000. Private Collection.

Arcadia Fletcher and Robin Katz, 2002.  Watercolour on Paper.

Self Portrait with Red Braces, 2003. Watercolour on Paper, 24*18 1/8".

Interior With Lamp, 2003. Watercolour on Paper, 39 1/4*75 3/8".

Self Portrait with Charlie, 2005. Oil on Canvas, 76*36", National Portrait Gallery.

The Photographer & His Daughter, Jim & Chloe McHugh, 2005.

Woldgate Woods 6 & 9 November 2006, 2006. Oil on 6 Canvases. 36*48" each, 72*144" overall. Private Collection.

Wheatfields off Woldgate, 2006, Oil on Canvas, 36*48".

More Felled Trees on Woldgate, 2008, Oil on Canvas, 60*96".

Felled Trees on Woldgate, 2008.

Bigger Trees Nearer Warter, Winter 2008, 2008.

Bigger Trees on Warter, Summer 2008, 2008.

Rainy Night on Bridlington Promenade, 2008.

May Blossom on the Roman Road, 2009, Oil on 8 Canvas.

Garden 2015, 2015. Acrylic on Canvas, 48*72". Private Collection.

Garden with Blue Terrace, 2015. Private Collection.



枫昀2018-11-19 13:46:42