JR-PAPER-ART2021-05-10 17:24:51

Step by step|3d Parthenon|Parthenon Pop up card|Origami|Paper art|Kirigami|帕德嫩神廟卡片

Step by step|3d Parthenon|Parthenon Pop up card|Origami|Paper art|Kirigami|帕德嫩神廟卡片 How to make paper Origami Parthenon - How to make Origami Architecture Parthenon - How to make Kirigami Parthenon - How to make Kirigami - How to make diy card - How to make greeting cards - How to make card design - How to make Origami Parthenon pop up card - How to make Origami Architecture Parthenon card Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Parthenon pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #Parthenon pop-up cards. 這是示範如何做#3d帕德嫩神廟 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作3d帕德嫩神廟 彈出卡片. Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant. #pop_up_card Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value. It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills. 許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。 彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。 製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。 影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 ! The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial ! The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wQIOaOgGQVIcb_mCHumTWY_vM8LWSF3e/view?usp=sharing If you like this video please subscribe me subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1 如果您喜歡影片,請按訂閱,訂閱是免費的.它會讓您會收到影片更新通知.謝謝您! The Parthenon (/?pɑ?θ??n?n, -n?n/; Ancient Greek: Παρθεν?ν; Greek: Παρθεν?νας, Parthenónas, [parθe?nonas]) is a former temple on the Athenian Acropolis, Greece, dedicated to the goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their patron. Construction began in 447 BC when the Athenian Empire was at the peak of its power. It was completed in 438 BC, although decoration of the building continued until 432 BC. It is the most important surviving building of Classical Greece, generally considered the zenith of the Doric order[by whom?]. Its decorative sculptures are considered some of the high points of Greek art. The Parthenon is regarded as an enduring symbol of Ancient Greece, Athenian democracy and Western civilization, and one of the world's greatest cultural monuments. To the Athenians who built it, the Parthenon and other Periclean monuments of the Acropolis were seen fundamentally as a celebration of Hellenic victory over the Persian invaders and as a thanksgiving to the gods for that victory. The Parthenon itself replaced an older temple of Athena, which historians call the Pre-Parthenon or Older Parthenon, that was destroyed in the Persian invasion of 480 BC. Like most Greek temples, the Parthenon served a practical purpose as the city treasury.[8][9] For a time, it served as the treasury of the Delian League, which later became the Athenian Empire. In the final decade of the 6th century AD, the Parthenon was converted into a Christian church dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Since 1975 numerous large-scale restoration projects have been undertaken; the latest is expected to finish in 2020. 帕德嫩神廟興建於公元前5世紀的雅典衛城,是古希臘奉祀雅典娜女神的神廟。它是現存至今最重要的古典希臘時代建築物,公認是多立克柱式發展的頂端;雕像裝飾更是古希臘藝術的頂點,此外也被尊為古希臘與雅典民主制度的象徵,是舉世聞名的文化遺產之一。近兩世紀以來,希臘對該神廟持續進行修復與重建工作。 帕德嫩神廟是古希臘文明的重要史蹟之一,對於研究古希臘的歷史、建築、雕塑、宗教等都具有非常 重要的價值。 設計與建造 神廟坐西向東,由46根多立克柱環繞,長邊方向每邊17根,短邊方向每邊8根。 帕德嫩神廟的正立面的各種比例尺一直被作為古典建築的典範,柱式比例和諧,視覺校正技術運用純熟,山花雕刻豐富華美。整個建築既莊嚴肅穆又不失精美。被美術史家稱為「人類文化的最高表徵」、「世界美術的王冠」。 建造 本神廟的工程始於馬拉松戰役(公元前490~88年)結束後不久,設計構想是獻給雅典娜女神的神廟,內部供奉有雅典娜·帕德嫩巨像。工程在一座寬大的石灰岩地基開工,這塊地基延伸雅典衛城南部的頂峰,提昇其高度。 這棟新建築取代了另座神廟:俗稱舊帕德嫩的赫卡托巴恩,新神廟可能就蓋在舊神廟旁邊。公元前5世紀中葉,雅典衛城成為提洛同盟的核心,雅典更是當時最大的文化重鎮,伯里克利開始著手一個很有野心的建築計劃,時程幾乎涵蓋公元前5世紀的後半之多,現代在雅典衛城所能看到最重要的建築物如帕德嫩神廟、山門、厄瑞克忒翁神廟、雅典娜-尼姬的神殿都是興建於那個時期。帕德嫩由菲迪亞斯監造且負責彫刻裝潢,建築師伊克蒂諾斯和卡利克拉提斯從公元前447年開始動工,廟體大約在公元前432年完成,不過裝潢至少到公元前431年才完工。有一些帕德嫩的財政帳簿留存至今,從中可知最大的單一營建成本是將石頭從距雅典約16公里遠的彭特利庫斯山運到衛城。這些資金部份提撥自提洛同盟的金庫,在公元前454年從提洛島送到衛城。 blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/ Pixnet http://jrchiang2006.pixnet.net instagram https://www.instagram.com/jrchiang_ig/ facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000032068067 Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/jrchiangm twitter https://twitter.com/jrchiang2006 pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/jrchiang2006/
