天外飞砖2009-01-14 22:45:57

Three in RDH after taking sex booster


January 15th, 2009
DEADLY DRUG: Dr Barbara Paterson with the Chinese sex drug that has left three people in hospital. Picture: BRAD FLEET

A POTENTIALLY fatal Chinese erection pill has hospitalised three Territorians who ignored health warnings.

The patients, two men and a woman, were all admitted to Royal Darwin Hospital in the past two months after taking Nangen Zengzhangsu - a Chinese medication which claimed to enhance sexual function.

The Health Department has re-issued a warning that these pills could cause a diabetic coma, permanent brain injury or death.

At least one of the patients is believed to have been in a serious condition after ingesting the pills.

The medication - also known as Nangen - is believed to have been brought in from Asia or sourced from the internet.

It is marketed on websites as 100 per cent herbal, but containing exotic ingredients such as donkey kidney and deer antler. It is also claimed to be a natural alternative to Viagra with no side effects.

But the pills could also contain Glibenclamide, a prescription medication used to treat diabetes.

One UK website sells the drug at $A10 per pill.

The Health Department issued a warning last month after concerns that the drug had been brought into Australia from Hong Kong.

Chief Health Officer Barbara Paterson said the three patients suffered from shaking, confusion, dizziness and low blood sugar.

"It is important that members of the public do not take such medicines," Dr Paterson said. "If you have taken this product and you develop these symptoms you should seek urgent medical attention."

Dr Paterson said there could be risks associated with any drug not listed on the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration.

"If you have Nangen Zengzhangsu, you are advised not to use it," she said.

"Please consult a health care professional if you have any health concerns regarding use of this product."

天外飞砖2009-01-14 22:47:49
Q: 为什么一位女士会去服用男根增长素?
禅城小子2009-01-14 23:41:28
A: 想体验一把金枪不倒
天外飞砖2009-01-14 23:43:50
小屁孩子,蹲一边偷偷挤青春痘去 -将军令-