天外飞砖2009-01-28 23:05:59

A TEENAGER who bashed a father-of-four to death in southeast Melbourne after a night binging on Passion Pop has been jailed. The youth, who can't be named, was drunk on Passion Pop, an inexpensive wine-based alcoholic drink, when he attacked Malaysian vegetable picker Leong Lim in March 2007, the Herald Sun reports. Mr Lim, 45, who was picking snow peas in Victoria to support his family back home, had been at the Sandown Tabaret when the teen saw him walking home along Springvale Rd just after midnight. After hitting him repeatedly with a Passion Pop bottle he robbed Mr Lim of his wallet and phone. Mr Lim, whose children were aged seven to 16, died from severe head injuries including a skull fracture. The youth had been drinking with friends and regularly binged on the beverage, admitting he drank four bottles that night. Related Coverage ========================== Your Say ========================== Jason of Sydney Supreme Court Justice Paul Coghlan said the teen, who was 16 at the time, had endured terrible poverty in Ethiopia and his experiences of surviving a war zone had left him with the mentality that "only the strong survive". Justice Coghlan said the teen had no education growing up and when he arrived in Australia aged 12 he struggled at school, taking up drinking after falling in with a crowd of African youths who had endured similar experiences. He told the teen his association with the group did not help and encouraged his aggression, as did his drinking which was "more a product of our culture than the culture and background from which you come". "It is imperative that our community takes a stand. It needs to become clear to our young men and women that enjoyment of life and position in society is not to be measured or driven by ever increasing consumption of alcohol," he said. The teen, who is now 18, pleaded guilty to manslaughter and armed robbery. Justice Coghlan said the reducing of a murder charge to manslaughter was merciful but appropriate given the youth's background. He was jailed for eight years and ordered to serve a minimum of four. hellonathan are you just looking for a reaction or are you an idiot? It's hard to tell after such a ridiculous comment. Posted by: Mark 7:23pm today Comment 45 of 45 i wonder what kind of sentence the killer of Justice Coghlan's father would get... if he has a father still alive. Seriously this is a joke, and quite pathetic you can get alot worse for not actually harming anyone. Posted by: Mekka 7:21pm today Comment 44 of 45 Min of 4 years? That is disgusting. It should not matter how "hard" your life is when it comes to murder. This is definitely not manslaughter at all. If a more "educated" aussie person had been binge drinking and done this it would be double or more the time. Posted by: Jason of Sydney 4:55pm today Comment 43 of 45 It is very obvious from the replies on here that as said time and time again, the courts do not reflect what we expect of them.... the courts fail us yet again. Posted by: Max of newcastle 4:55pm today Comment 42 of 45 The poor kid is from Africa and he has been corrupted by our awful drinking culture. He now has a very sad future as he has to live with his actions for the rest of his life. This is clearly a case of Australian white culture forcing a young immigrant to commit murder. Posted by: hellonathan of marrickville 4:55pm today Comment 41 of 45 When is this sort of race related smokescreen going to stop? I am tired of people using their race and previous life experience as an excuse. Surely this kid left a country of violence so that he could enjoy a safe life in Australia.....why turn the safe streets of Australia in another war zone like Ethiopia!!! Hand down a suitable sentence to this animal. Posted by: Grade A balonium of Bri*****ane 4:55pm today Comment 40 of 45 What a joke... His poor family has to live without him for the rest of their lives and all this guy gets is 4 years min? this is murder.. Posted by: Patrick of Sydney 4:48pm today Comment 39 of 45 4 years? This country is slipping badly. Posted by: Pablo 4:47pm today Comment 38 of 45 Given a chance at a new life away from the brutal upbringing that this young bloke has endured and this is how he makes a fresh start! Attrocious... So many other kids in his situation would give an arm and a leg and would make a good go of it in a new place, and this animal kills an innocent man for a mobile phone and a few bucks, that makes me sick. Poor Mr Lim and his kids suffer for the rest of their life and this punk gets 4 years, there is something wrong with our justice system. Posted by: Batsman of Canberra 4:45pm today Comment 37 of 45 4 years for murdering an honest family man? what a joke! i feel sorry for the poor police who waste their time and resources only to have the criminals back on the street a short time later, its just ludicrous. Posted by: Josh of Sydney 4:42pm today Comment 36 of 45 he is enduring nothing compared to what the victims kids are going to endure. Posted by: chris of bri*****ane 4:41pm today Comment 35 of 45 Disgraceful act of violence - too lenient Justice Coghlan - what if this was your father??? Posted by: steve lee of Melbourne 4:41pm today Comment 34 of 45 Australia is a joke, killing an innocent man, rob his life, his family livelyhood and jail for 4 yrs and blame on the alcohol. If I drink VB and going out kill all the Whites and Black and Lebanese that I come across and see, can I get the same 4 yrs ? Really this is a joke !!! but I can not laugh !! Posted by: Sydney of Sydney 4:40pm today Comment 33 of 45 4 years for taking away a father of 4, too bad the pain and loss will be forever for the kids who must now learn to live without their dad. That's a disgraceful sentence. I'm sure the VICTIMS aren't happy; regardless of the circumstances of the offender. Posted by: Ben 4:40pm today Comment 32 of 45 absolute joke of a sentence. Posted by: Matt of Perth 4:39pm today Comment 31 of 45 Back in the 1920's they banned alcohol in the US, it was called prohibition, the purpose of which was to create a puritan society and take away the evils of drink. The result was the greatest crime wave in history. We are quickly heading down that path, it seems the puritans have hold of our society and making even a photo of a naked 2 year old something to be ashamed of. One crime or 10 considered caused by a drink is a fools belief, the drink did not carry out this crime it was a human, a weak individual with killer already in his/her blood. There will always be irresponsible people, if they don't kill with alcohol in their blood they will do it with something else in their blood or during a crime, they are weak people and do not reflect society as a whole.. The mistake her and in the 20's was thinking everyone was irresponsible not just a few. Wake up Australia, if you don't learn from the past you are doomed to relive it! Less government please! Posted by: martin of melbourne 4:39pm today Comment 30 of 45 alcopops tax - thats what i blame passion pop is half the price with twice the alcohol content. Posted by: Rosie of perth 4:38pm today Comment 29 of 45 Just make sure you're pissed and have had a hard life before murdering someone. Posted by: Patrick J of NSW 4:36pm today Comment 28 of 45 Perhaps he should also be ordered to pay for the maintenance and upkeep of a family of four. He has ended one life and irrevokably changed the lives of four children. The least he can do is ensure those children have a chance at a better life than he did. Posted by: s of sydney 4:34pm today Comment 27 of 45 Wow so if you decide you want to murder someone, go and beat them to death, sit back and get pissed on some cheap booze and blame it on the alcohol.. 4 years max and you'll be out on good behaviour in about 2. Posted by: Ryan... of Sydney.. 4:34pm today Comment 26 of 45 So, does that mean all alcohol should be expensive and no bottle of wine should cost under, say, $20? Then thieves will blame the high price of alcohol for a spate of armed robberies to get their grog, and health officials will be in dismay over people poisoning themselves by making methanol. Blaming cheap alcohol is a cop out for the weak and stupid. Posted by: Michal of Adelaide 4:33pm today Comment 25 of 45 My understanding of the legal system in Australia is that there is an element of punishment and an element of rehabilitation in every sentence. Where is the element of punishment in this sentence? This person took another mans life. He's left children fatherless. That is worth more than 4 years. He'll be out by the time he's 22. Posted by: Stacey of Sydney 4:32pm today Comment 24 of 45 Obviously no normal, well-adjusted person would bludgeon someone to death with a Passion Pop bottle. Or, for that matter, commit murder at all. So by that logic, in any murder there are mitigating circumstances. Hey, maybe murderers should be compensated rather than punished. Perhaps we should start sending NON-murderers to jail instead. Yeah, that's it. Man... I am so drunk... Posted by: mike j 4:32pm today Comment 23 of 45 What a load of rubbish. No matter how drunk I have ever been I have never, ever had the urge to beat someone up and rob them. Alcohol does not excuse heinous behaviour. Posted by: Polly Prissypants 4:29pm today Comment 22 of 45 Unbelievable legal system. What the hell? I am saddened to hear yet another lenient sentence given, especially when the person was an innocent victim and this is what happens. A bloody joke. No wonder people feel like being vigilantes in this day and age. Posted by: Bobman 4:28pm today Comment 21 of 45 This is sick... a person gets 4 years for killing someone!!! Where is the justice?! Posted by: Peter of Perth 4:27pm today Comment 20 of 45 this is terrible...Australia must have the softest and craziest laws in the world...i thought the law wasn't supposed to take into consideration a persons past until sentencing. so why is the charge reduced to manslaughter because of the past? the way we are going...i can't imagine what will happen in 10 years time...every year i feel less safe walking around the city. You don't pay for crime in this country. where else do u get dvd players and pool tables in gaol? Posted by: ian of sydney 4:23pm today Comment 19 of 45 Excuse me? Murder or manslaughter based on background? What twisted magistrate came up with that stupidity? Either it was intentional murder or unintentional manslughter, the perpetrator's background should be irrelevant to the charge. Paul Coghlan should be sacked. Posted by: Craig of Sydney 4:23pm today Comment 18 of 45 What a joke. LIFE IN JAIL - NO PAROLE. Senseless murders such are the worst kind as far as I'm concerned. I bet he was a coward in Ethiopia and hes a coward here. Posted by: Jay of Sydney 4:22pm today Comment 17 of 45 so he kills someone ON PURPOSE and gets only 8 years jail. right........... Posted by: tim 4:22pm today Comment 16 of 45 What a load of s**t, the kid has a hard life. What about the other man who is trying to support his family, and what about the children of his that are left behind? Posted by: fiddles 4:18pm today Comment 15 of 45 No matter what background, no matter what religion, no matter what experiences, this MORON has taken a LIFE. Don't the courts get it ??? 8 yrs....what the hell is 8yrs.??? The courts are driving this country to the PITS. Posted by: Angry Aussie 4:17pm today Comment 14 of 45 How terrible, he should be getting life, I have no remorse for killers!!! Take a life you get should lose yours Posted by: Alastair of Hobart 4:15pm today Comment 13 of 45 lame..what about the asian mans hard life..living in another country to support his family back home. Seriously. Poor guy. Posted by: S of Perth 4:14pm today Comment 12 of 45 So the less educated you are the more lenient the judicial system is on you? I'm fairly sure that every person in every culture knows that murder is a crime. What a joke. Posted by: Jimmo of Perth 4:11pm today Comment 11 of 45 this is ridiculous. he KILLED A GUY!!! and he only got 8 years. Big deal where the hell he came from, what he did in ethiopia. HE KILLED A GUY. Drunk or not drunk. HE KILLED A GUY Imagine if this was your loved one that was struck, and this guy is only getting 8 year (MINIMUM 4 years with the old "OMG I'm REFORMED i'm SOOOO SORRY" speel). Justice Coghlan is a joke Posted by: Xavier of Perth 4:10pm today Comment 10 of 45 oh come on, stop blaming everything else start being responsible for your own actions. Also what a crap sentence for murder Posted by: fishsticks of adelaide 4:09pm today Comment 9 of 45 So what if this guy had a bad up bringing, murder is murder and he should get a life sentence like that poor man and his family got. Posted by: charlie of Nowra 4:09pm today Comment 8 of 45 what a joke.... the legal system lets us down yet again. Its no wonder there is alot of crime, youths run wild and pretty much get away with it. A minimum of 4yrs jail for an unprovoked assualt which killed a guy. What a joke. I dont care if he had a terrible upbringing, it seems anyone who commits a crime nowadays blames it on their upbringing. I say scrap the minimum sentence and give everyone who commits a crime the maximum sentence. We might start seeing a decline in crime if we take a tougher stance on crime. Posted by: Shane of moama 4:06pm today Comment 7 of 45 How can this be manslaughter? He assaulted the buy with a bottle and murdered him in the course of a robbery. The guy had a hard life in Ethiopia? So what, the guy was drunk? so what. About time the judges in this country woke up to themselves and stepped down from their ivory towers. Posted by: john of bendigo 4:05pm today Comment 6 of 45 Sure, once again blame the drink. Where is this guys parents? There needs to be more liability on the parents. It's time to send the parents to gaol for under age crimes. Posted by: Ollie 4:03pm today Comment 5 of 45 If anyone is to blame for binge drinking, it's that bloody jimmy barnes. I used to be a good boy until I heard "Cheap Wine," on the radio and ever since I have not been able to stop drinking the stuff. People never used to drink heavily until Barnesy came along, Australia's censorship laws need a complete overhaul. Posted by: Michael of Adelaide 4:03pm today Comment 4 of 45 Yes, cheap wine made him a killer, not years of growing up in a country ravaged by war and having no education. Don't worry about brutal civil war, but for heaven's sake won't someone protect us from the wine!!! Posted by: . 4:01pm today Comment 3 of 45 4 years for killing someone? Joke. Posted by: Nicko of Melbs 4:01pm today Comment 2 of 45 4 Years for drunk bashing resulting in the death of an innocent life? rediculous. Posted by: Kyle W of Scarborough 3:57pm today Comment 1 of 45
禅城小子2009-01-28 23:17:03
杀人抢劫只盼四年 cao个白人b就判无期 fcuking unfair
Fagger2009-01-28 23:22:53
天外飞砖2009-01-28 23:25:24
roxybaby11122009-01-28 23:26:10
what the f. only 4 yrs, it is then better to be a murderer than
风吹吹2009-01-28 23:29:04
tagheur2009-01-28 23:30:21
roxybaby11122009-01-28 23:46:48
天外飞砖2009-01-28 23:47:51
roxybaby11122009-01-28 23:50:29