江城游子2009-02-12 23:14:58
There are no current plans for a capital raising
不知道我是谁2009-02-12 23:19:06
可昨天冲了我短线的stop loss,没有办法。还有一点用现金拿的。
不知道我是谁2009-02-12 23:22:04
江城游子2009-02-12 23:25:53
good for the risk control
江城游子2009-02-12 23:31:58
不知道我是谁2009-02-12 23:43:56
stop loss应当设深一点,比如11.78,这个怪我,这次拿
江城游子2009-02-12 23:55:41
may be big boy play a (cat vs mouse) game this time
不知道我是谁2009-02-13 00:05:02
maybe, one stop order triggers another stop order then the