Fagger2009-02-26 06:32:54

gyprock contractor suspected of murdering a Sydney father-of-two last month has been found hiding out in north-west Queensland.

Dong Jian, 46, has been wanted by police for last six weeks after 28-year-old real estate agent Jiang Minghai was found bludgeoned to death in a bathtub of a house he had been renovating in North Ryde.

Police believe Dong, who was doing work on the property, was the last person to see Jiang alive on January 13.

He is expected to be charged with murder later today after being spotted at a petrol station in the remote western Queensland town of Richmond yesterday.

"He was seen at one of the servos by a member of the public who then contacted police," Gladesville crime manager Ian McNab said.

Police from Townsville pulled over Dong's vehicle and arrested him, Detective Inspector McNab said.

NSW investigators are travelling up to Townsville and will interview him today.

He is expected to be charged with murder and extradited to NSW, Detective Inspector McNab said.

dq882009-02-26 06:58:08
臭鼬,花花的2009-02-26 07:02:21
靠! 估火星板着草跑去投奔大牛,大牛贪图悬红将其出首
dq882009-02-26 07:10:08
大牛哥2009-02-26 07:20:25
coffeebeans2009-02-26 12:20:23