刚刚看了Confession of a shopaholic, 电影里shopaholic的老爸想卖了自己新爱的caravan car给自己的女儿还债。shopaholic拒绝了,她说,"I will kill you if you do it. It (the car) is soooooo you. It defines you." 她老爸看看她说,"No, it defines me nothing. Nothing defines you more than your mum and you."
一边儿心想,嘿嘿,她老爸看着可是最土的一个shopaholic, 一边儿心想,so, what defines me? what am I? Who am I?
Looks like it's another age old questions: what are we? 有的人用权来定义自己,有的人用钱,有的人用家庭。但是记得以前在哪里看到过这么一句话,"Don't attach your ego to your sucess, because if you are not successful anymore, your ego will go down with it." 听着不错,那么,Should we define ourself by our family?
但是偶也记得以前看Troy的时候,女神对自己的儿子阿基里斯说,"If you don't go, you will have family, you will have kids, and you will be happy. One day, you will die, but your name will be remembered by your kids. But one day, your kids will die after you too, and your name will be lost in the river of time. If you go, glory will be yours. People will talk about you thousands years from now. But you will never come back again. " 阿基里斯没有选择家庭。
LG来接偶回家,他是绝对不会陪偶看这种电影嘀。偶看看他,K! 他哪里define偶了?完全不同的两种人嘛。不过还是问问吧。于是把前因后果给他解释了一遍以后,问他,Do you define me? 结果得到了最political correct的回答:You defined me. 于是义正词严的驳斥他,不许东拉西扯,好好说。然后他说了, Does it matter? Are you happy?