dq882009-03-26 09:22:58

xenophobic much?
Posted by: tim of course 7:01pm today
Comment 22 of 22

We have an automotive electrician running defence. Ok so anyone can be elected to parliament but how about we at least put people who have some qualifications into the big positions? It must frustrate Angus Houston. This would equate to the CDF saluting a corporal.
Posted by: Peter of Adelaide 6:50pm today
Comment 21 of 22

This is serious and should be carefully investigated. In fact I think it's the biggest story of the year. Who wants to live in a country where the military decides who runs the government? If Defence has tried to discredit Joel Fitzgibbon by leaking personal information, then heads have got to roll. I don't think any member of the public wants to see their elected representatives being bullied by nameless spooks... they know who would be next.
Posted by: Wordburger of NSW 6:42pm today
Comment 20 of 22

His friend is Chinese, his boss speaks Chinese - that's enough evidence for me. Xenophobic defence people, please explain.
Posted by: stuart may 6:41pm today
Comment 19 of 22

He is not qualified to run Defence. I wouldn't and don't trust him with our defence force either.
Posted by: Peter of Adelaide 6:40pm today
Comment 18 of 22

Ministers know very little and therefore are not very good spies. Eventually, if there are spies they are those high profile public servants working at the Defence, who deflected more than $ 100 M (JP69 & related) to develop an encryption system that allegedly does not contain any relevant Australian encryption technology but is allegedly based on US-escrowable encryption technology..... In simple words, my theory is that Australia may share Australian secrets with the US but not vice-versa...... So Fitzy...try to understand what is happening behind the stage, undertake action and give us something new to comment...
Posted by: Seeing Through 6:33pm today
Comment 17 of 22

Vee: It's not a police state, but it is a requirement for those with security clearances to have some scrutiny into their private lives. If there's a risk to National security, it needs to be identified and contained.
Posted by: Anon 6:27pm today
Comment 16 of 22

Before we all start crying that Defence is spying on civilians, chances are that the investigation would be done be the Defence Security Authority, its their job, as opposed to the Australian Defence Force. Now all you scare mongering anti authoritarian types can go back to conspiracy.com and freak out because there are hidden messages on the US one dollar bill.
Posted by: Terry of Bri*****ane 6:22pm today
Comment 15 of 22

Where's there's smoke....! Rudd and Co's closeness to China is starting to be a concern.
Posted by: Fair Dinkum of Maroubra 6:18pm today
Comment 14 of 22

Funny how there's all the fuss over poor little Joel having a Chinese Girlfriend when his boss is courting Chinese officials, including the head of the Chinese POLITBURO (reported by the ABC on Tuesday evening), regularly without informing the media. Our Media, usually escorted in droves to a Rudd Haircut, had to find out about that meeting from the Chinese Media. He's no different to his boss.
Posted by: Geoff of Canberra 6:17pm today
Comment 13 of 22

WOW Mr Fitzgibbon's association with a Chinese-born Sydney businesswoman big deal. Rudd loves China that much he speaks the language. We all know Rudd wants Australia to be just like China so he would be proud that Mr Fitzgibbon's has an association with a Chinese-born Sydney businesswoman. As for DEFENCE Secretary Nick Warner saying he's seen nothing to suggest his department was covertly investigating its minister Joel Fitzgibbon. Its pay back from when Mr Fitzgibbon's said the Defence Department were idiots for stuffing up the soldiers pay. PayBack!
Posted by: Bob of Goldcoast 6:01pm today
Comment 12 of 22

If it is proven that Defence has spied on the minister then al those responsible should have their employment terminated and loss of all benefits to go with it. Defence spying on civialians this is not a police state.
Posted by: Big Vee of Melbourne 6:00pm today
Comment 11 of 22

Oh come on!! If you had the power to sticky nose in other people's business wouldn't you? It's like facebook stalking your ex at a whole new level!! Hahahaha!! The government should watch out!
Posted by: Lady Fawkes of Melbourne 5:59pm today
Comment 10 of 22

Max as an elected Minister he does not need to undergo a national security clearance. His staff do however need a TS one. Interesting isn't it.
Posted by: Dave of Logan 5:47pm today
Comment 9 of 22

I feel more comfortable knowing that the Defence is watching over the Politition.
Posted by: Tony of Bri*****ane 5:46pm today
Comment 8 of 22

What happened to the interim report into the SAS pay debacle which Fitzgibbon promised several weeks ago? Perhaps it didn't provide the news he was hoping for so he buried it and is hoping that this incident will divert further attention from his incompetence.
Posted by: George of Mawson ACT 5:44pm today
Comment 7 of 22

Shut up Turnbull until you can provide something constructive to the growth of this country, instead of your grisly little snipes..... just like every other politition now Mal! and you almost had me change sides when you took the reigns of the Libs. Glad you've had time to show us what you really are.
Posted by: TheRiddick 5:44pm today
Comment 6 of 22

Investigate what???
Posted by: Mary of Perth 5:39pm today
Comment 5 of 22

lol, Defence wouldn't be doing it... another part would be :) They look into everyone with a security clearance.
Posted by: Person of ACT 5:34pm today
Comment 4 of 22

It isn't spying when this relationship should have been declared when his security clearance was being done. This sort of information is asked about all people applying for a security clearance of secret and above. The security organisation checks back 10 years for most info and further for other information. The question isn't why is defence "spying on him" it is why didn't he declare this information willingly.
Posted by: Max Power of Bris 5:31pm today
Comment 3 of 22

If they're not investigating, they should be.
Posted by: Numble of Perth 5:25pm today
Comment 2 of 22

Poor diddums Fitzgibbon! He can't take the heat. If he was a Liberal, he'd be hounded out of office!
Posted by: Gravelly of Qld 5:23pm today
Comment 1 of 22

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