austraveller2009-06-16 03:38:37

Miss Universe Australia runner-up Jade Russell is poised to take the crown from winner Rachael Finch who is expected to be sacked as early as today or tomorrow morning. ninemsn can reveal Miss Universe Australia director Deborah Miller secretly met with Russell, 22, in Melbourne last night to hammer out her succession details. PHOTOS: Pageant scandals The dramatic development comes after complaints made by Ms Finch about her contract with the pageant organisation were leaked to the media. A source close to Ms Russell said the Melbourne model received a call from Ms Miller yesterday afternoon and was told she would be given Ms Finch's title. "She was really excited. It's really great news for her," the source told ninemsn, adding that Ms Russell had been sworn to secrecy. The pair then met at the Cosi Bar Ristorante in South Yarra to discuss the details. Ms Miller confirmed to ninemsn that the meeting had taken place. "Yes, I did meet with Jade," she said. But Ms Miller declined to comment on what was discussed at the meeting, saying "we just had dinner". When asked if Ms Finch had been sacked yet, she replied "no". "All I can say is I will be making a statement (about Ms Finch's future) hopefully later today or tomorrow morning," she said. Jade Russell's agent, Karyn Angliss from Associated Models in Melbourne, denied knowledge of plans to grant her client the title. "I have spoken to Jade and she is not aware of any decisions being made by Miss Universe Australia to date," she said. It is understood Ms Finch will be sacked for bringing the Miss Universe Australia brand into disrepute, which is grounds for dismissal under her contract. It follows a letter Ms Finch wrote to the American arm of Miss Universe complaining her three-year exclusive contract had become like a prison sentence. In the leaked letter, the 20-year-old Sydney beauty claimed she had been rushed into signing the contract. "I had not slept in the last 24 hours, was about to speak to an international audience on television and was being told to 'hurry darl'," the letter said. "In my world, most nights I lay in bed for hours, crying, trying to come to terms with what I have to now deal with." Ms Finch, who was crowned in April, has refused to comment publicly about her claims, but is reportedly devastated they were leaked to the media.
臭鼬,花花的2009-06-16 03:41:13
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austraveller2009-06-16 04:05:40
环球小姐 (图)