purplenight2009-07-20 05:09:22
neutural, some backgroud introduction of things pro the detention, and paying more attention to the future instead of lingering on little facts that everybody already knew.
Fagger2009-07-20 05:17:41
I am not a subscriber -- would you mind post the full content he
purplenight2009-07-20 05:34:15
The name is "China backlash casts shadow over Argus legacy"
不知道我是谁2009-07-20 05:43:07
purplenight2009-07-20 05:50:33
Unless China manage to reach a deal with Vale,
不知道我是谁2009-07-20 05:52:37
The risk for China: shipping cost.
purplenight2009-07-20 05:56:23
Yes, if can't reach a 33%+ price cut, Vale might be the only win
不知道我是谁2009-07-20 06:03:16
if you think about a long term, stable, low shipping cost
purplenight2009-07-20 06:36:15
True, and if the BHP Rio joint venture goes along, the future
大牛哥2009-07-20 06:37:32
Fagger2009-07-20 06:43:48
是日金句 :“国内有些高炉是专门为澳洲矿石定制的,用不了别的矿”
大牛哥2009-07-20 06:50:30
大牛哥2009-07-20 06:55:51
purplenight2009-07-20 07:09:36
So it's all down to how much Vales is willing to give up
大牛哥2009-07-20 07:31:45
purplenight2009-07-20 07:43:25
So you are saying because we are importing iron ores
Fagger2009-07-20 07:53:44
老牛, 我给你个建议。
大牛哥2009-07-20 08:10:52
大牛哥2009-07-20 08:15:13
purplenight2009-07-20 08:34:39
Use resourses effectively is never any developing country's