purplenight2009-07-23 00:51:21
When it comes to love in marriage, it doesn't matter that much whether you have faith in it or not. It's all down to whether you can FIND love in marriage.

Love in a feeling between two ppl. So as a start, it doesn't matter what one person believe or not. Secondly, even if both of you believe in it, but if you ended with the wrong person, you would simply be disappointed again and again. After a few years, your heart hurt, your passion worn away as you get older and older. Seriously, after you reached 30, there's little you believe in. Thirdly, love is a feeling, it can grow stronger or weaker. So it's diffcult to have faith in something that changes from time to time.

On the other hand, if you HAPPEN to FIND love in marriage, then some ppl say, "All right, I believe there's love after all." Other ppl maybe more cautions and say, "Ok, I have love now, but I'm not sure about tomorrow." But at the back of their heart, they don't really care. They are too busy enjoying. Come on, there's nothing in this world that you can hold onto it forever, no matter that's your health, wealther, or intelligence. So what make you think you can hold on to love forever?

All in all, love is a feeling, and ppl feel differently. So don't rely on anybody's theory or experience. Otherwise, you may end up in a terrible situation, or even worse, you may miss someone really great for you.
天外飞砖2009-07-23 00:54:20
200% agree
coffeebeans2009-07-23 01:01:49
This one is true
马大有2009-07-23 01:08:23
是的 爱的长短不同
coffeebeans2009-07-23 01:10:18
马大有2009-07-23 01:12:30
Rafale2009-07-23 01:39:25
马大有2009-07-23 01:43:48
没有那么严重 既然人生是白驹过隙 那么爱情比人生长 有什么不可能?
非典型性淑女2009-07-23 02:13:30
绝不浪费青春2009-07-23 02:18:54
马大有2009-07-23 02:23:46
非典型性淑女2009-07-23 02:26:06
ZT, hehe, from a online fiction
绝不浪费青春2009-07-23 02:30:22
非典型性淑女2009-07-23 02:43:41
love is not a benchmark for marriage at all, hehe
hl11082009-07-23 02:55:33
hl11082009-07-23 02:57:47
那俺刚才白崇拜了..感情是摘抄语录呀 不过还是很有水平的.