TBLACK2009-09-17 04:36:41
50 years of driving wild and licence free
ELDERLY man pulled over by police for failing to stop at a stop sign told police he had been driving without a licence — for 50 years.
Police said yesterday the 67-year-old Wallacia man was stopped in peak-hour traffic about 8am on Monday at the intersection of Park Rd and The Northern Rd, Luddenham.

He will face court on October 5.

TBLACK2009-09-17 05:08:46
hl11082009-09-17 05:17:55
你喊偶来就学这老同志? illegal 的事偶不干 嘿嘿 胆儿小怕事儿.
TBLACK2009-09-17 05:26:56
hl11082009-09-17 07:13:20
那不应验了晚节不保? 那哪成啊...哈.俺口袋的银子够养老