天外飞砖2010-05-16 09:41:34
我很有可能见过这个人,可怜,rest in peace...

A MAN who was hoping to start a new life with his wife in Australia has fallen victim to the deceptively dangerous sport of rock fishing after being swept off rocks at North Bondi.

Grave fears are held for Don Wong, 29, originally from mainland China, after he went missing from rocks below the Bondi Golf Club/Williams Park on the Ben Buckler headland some time on Saturday.

The popular Parramatta resident had just been granted permanent residency and was looking for full-time work.

The tragedy happened some time between 9am Saturday morning when Mr Wong ventured down the cliff to fish at the scenic spot just up the hill from Australia's most famous beach, and 4pm when he was supposed to be at an appointment.

When he failed to show, worried friends and relatives began to look for him.

Xin Lee, a friend of the missing man, said they began searching the streets after he failed to turn up and didn't answer his mobile phone.

Mr Lee found his friend's blue Toyota sedan parked near Ben Buckler and called police.

General duties police officers, police rescue, the polair helicopter and water police scoured the rocks and crashing waves without success after being notified just after 10pm.

Acting Inspector Nic Twentyman said police rescue officers had braved dangerous conditions at the foot of the cliff and had found the man's tackle box and backpack.

"It was quite dangerous down there, they did say the waves were quite fierce," she said.

Mr Wong's wife and friends gathered in the midnight rain at the top of the cliff, huddled around the police rescue truck, waiting anxiously for any news of Mr Wong.

Sharing an umbrella with a friend, Mr Lee had tears in his eyes as he told of how Mr Wong loved fishing at the base of the cliff.

"He often comes to this point. He always comes here - from last year he's been coming here," he said. "If in future someone sees him, please report it."

As Mr Wong was a regular fisherman and knew the rocks well he may have underestimated the threat posed by massive waves thrown up by a 6-8ft south-southeasterly swell, despite a warning on the Bureau of Meteorology's website that the surf conditions are dangerous for rock fishermen.

Police were called off about 12.30am yesterday with the search planned to resume slightly after dawn yesterday.

ozstar2010-05-16 09:46:48
片仔癀2010-05-16 09:56:00
火与剑2010-05-16 09:56:53
ozstar2010-05-16 09:58:23
north bondi 是鬼门关 去年1个周末没了2个 有一个应该也是华裔
吃睡长2010-05-16 10:01:20
rock fishing的时候有什么必要的保护措施吗?
大牛哥2010-05-16 10:01:20
Mr.Don Wong,中国大陆人?
火与剑2010-05-16 10:02:41
火与剑2010-05-16 10:03:12
片仔癀2010-05-16 10:05:24
片仔癀2010-05-16 10:07:13
文章里已注明了来自mainland China
大牛哥2010-05-16 10:09:26
那文章还注明了Mr. Don Wong呢,以哪个为准?
绝不浪费青春2010-05-16 10:09:36
火与剑2010-05-16 10:12:05
绝不浪费青春2010-05-16 10:17:56
我也曾去过无数次。。其实几个hot spot都挺危险的
片仔癀2010-05-16 10:21:47
绝不浪费青春2010-05-16 10:23:21
似曾相識2010-05-16 10:26:32
各位釣魚愛好者要聽下今日2UE (am945)電台節目