purplenight2010-05-26 08:12:19
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Metro预计Glen Waverley将最多晚点50分钟,警方正在现场进行调查。

http://www.news.com.au/national/ ... rfkvr-1225871557501

Baby escapes death after pram struck by train at Tooronga station

A BABY boy is lucky to have survived after his pram rolled onto the tracks and was hit by a city bound train.
The one-year-old boy suffered minor bruising to his face after the pram rolled off the platform into the path of the city-bound Glen Waverley train at Tooronga railway station in Melbourne’s east at 11.15am.
The pram was dragged a short distance along the tracks while the boy’s distraught grandmother and other shocked travellers looked on, the Herald Sun reports.
A police spokeswoman said it was lucky that the driver managed to stop the train so quickly and averted disaster.
The child has been taken by paramedics to the Royal Children's Hospital.
Ambulance spokesman Paul Bentley said the child’s grandmother was left severely shaken by the incident, and it appears lucky another three-year-old in her care did not also fall into the railway pit.
“It appears the pram just rolled,” Mr Bentley said.
Metro spokesman Chris Whitefield said the 10.56am Glen Waverley train was travelling slowly at the time of the shocking incident.
He said Metro continued to warn passengers to take care when handling prams on platforms and trains.
Metro expected ongoing delays of up to 50 minutes on the Glen Waverley line as police investigate.
"It’s shocking for anyone who would have witnessed that," he said.
The train is still stationary at Tooronga station but is expected to be able to continue its journey shortly.
Metro says it is co-operating with police and will supply them with CCTV footage of the incident.
It comes just months after Saurish Verma narrowly escaped death when his pram rolled forward on the platform of Ashburton station and toppled onto the tracks just as a city-bound train pulled into the platform.
The miracle tot, who suffered nothing more than a bump on his head in the ordeal last October, celebrated his first birthday earlier this month.
CCTV footage of the amazing incident was viewed millions of times around the globe.
绝不浪费青春2010-05-26 08:30:46