null_pointer2010-06-17 12:04:59
The federal government is hiding controversial plans to force ISPs to store internet activity of all Australian internet users - regardless of whether they have been suspected of wrongdoing - for law-enforcement agencies to access.

Revelations that the federal government wants Australia's 400-odd internet service providers (ISPs) to log and retain customers' web browsing data, so law enforcement can access it during criminal cases, have sparked alarm in the industry.

陆柯文has gone nuts!!!

vote GREEN! and say NO to internet censorship!
zhmz8882010-06-18 00:34:36
green is part of labour...'unity' is also...
zhmz8882010-06-18 00:41:47
green?? I cannot trust the leader'bob brown'..
zhmz8882010-06-18 00:46:17
vote 团结党! 有大智慧的华人都应这么做..
null_pointer2010-06-18 02:19:32
good, one more reason to vote him!