purplenight2010-07-16 01:59:32
the Visa? I heard we don't have to go the Consulate now to get it approved?
purplenight2010-07-16 02:00:18
And how long does it take to get the visa nowadays?
扣仔2010-07-16 02:00:32
Surprisedbyjoy2010-07-16 02:02:35
check: http://sydney.chineseconsulate.org/eng/
扣仔2010-07-16 02:03:34
4 days
purplenight2010-07-16 02:06:39
Thanks guys! Got it. One of the downsides of getting a citizensh
purplenight2010-07-16 02:07:30
I can only stay therre for four of five days... Sign. :(
mr-leaf2010-07-16 02:10:38
alienaus2010-07-16 02:16:29
address: 299 Elizabeth Street, sydeny
purplenight2010-07-16 02:17:30
Ok, in exchange, plz park the plan downstairs. Thanks.
purplenight2010-07-16 02:18:35
Mmmm. true. thanks for reminding. I won't bring my credit card t
mr-leaf2010-07-16 02:19:16
would u like orange tulips or red rose?
alienaus2010-07-16 02:20:47
Now it seems no point becoming an Oz citizen.Too upset
purplenight2010-07-16 02:26:50
I was thinking like that. If I just renewed my PR... But then
purplenight2010-07-16 02:29:17
On second thought, a jacaranda will do.
purplenight2010-07-16 02:29:55
Back to work. Talk to you guys later...
coffeebeans2010-07-16 02:31:46
Pr can get FHBG as well
mr-leaf2010-07-16 02:32:50
天外飞砖2010-07-16 02:36:48
天外飞砖2010-07-16 02:37:27
FHBG has nothing to do with citizenship
qisiwole2010-07-16 03:03:28
u still can go to consulate to get visa
alienaus2010-07-16 03:09:23
That way you can save 40 dollars of service fee and time.
豆腐板2010-07-16 04:37:07