null_pointer2010-08-10 07:06:34
Rupert Murdoch's News Corp said it will sell a controlling stake in three Chinese TV channels to a fund backed by China's number two broadcaster, marking a major retreat after years of difficulties.

News Corp will sell a stake in Xing Kong, Xing Kong International and Channel (V) Mainland China, along with its Fortune Star Chinese movie library, to China Media Capital, the US media giant said on its website.


灵境2010-08-10 07:39:19
hehehe, 她懂投资,就用不着卖屁股了,可怜老头,这点道理
zhmz8882010-08-10 07:42:02
is that means 凤凰 had been sold??
灵境2010-08-10 07:44:55