村二叔2010-08-11 06:14:00
汤哥又出新鲜东西了- 税务改革


各位看官,看看您是否收益呢? 俺水平有限,时间仓促,就翻译个中心思想与大家商榷,敬请高手拿出更精美的译文来. 俺是意译,但没有任何添油加醋.


MORE than five million taxpayers who earn between $36,000 and $94,000 would be slugged with a higher tax bill under the tax plan endorsed by Opposition Leader Tony Abbott at his campaign launch.竞选运动中,唐哥同意一项高税收议案,年收入在 3万6 – 9万4 的 5百万个纳税人要多纳税了.
An analysis of the shows middle income earners would pay up to $500 a year more in tax while millionaires would get a $15,300 a year tax cut.中等收入者多付 500 刀的税,百万富翁减税1万5千300刀.
Mr Abbott said the Henry plan for a simpler income tax system "should be the foundation of Australia's next round of tax reform".
And he promised to outline a timetable for tax reform within 12 months of coming to office.
Mr Abbott told The Australian on Monday that he would to cut Australia's overall tax burden when the budget returned to surplus adding that his "instinctive priority" had always been for more personal income tax cuts.
But ACTU analysis shows that under the Henry plan, workers would pay no tax on their first $25,000 and 35c in the dollar until they earned $180,000.
A worker earning $40,000 a year would pay $200 a year more while someone earning $60,000 would face a tax rise of $100.年收入4万刀的工人,多缴200刀,6万的工人多缴 100刀!
A worker earning $80,000 would pay $500 a year more.收入8万刀的工人,多缴 500 刀.
Low income earners would receive substantial tax cuts under the reforms.
Those on $20,000 a year would pay $751 a year less in tax.
The biggest tax cuts, however, would go to the wealthy.然而,减税最大收益者将是富人.
Those earning $200,000 a year would make a tax saving of $3300 while those on $300,000 would save $4800.年收入20万刀的,节省税金3300刀.
ACTU secretary Jeff Lawrence said: "If the Liberals win, they will deliver a big tax cut to all the millionaires and billionaires that helped them get elected."全澳工会秘书杰夫说,如果自由党获胜,他们将给百万富翁,亿万富翁大幅减税, 因是这些人把帮他们赢得大选.
绝不浪费青春2010-08-11 06:24:29