天外飞砖2010-08-25 23:58:00
This so called documentary is disgraceful and misleading. I feel pity for those parents who allow their youngsters watched the show. Sure Ch7 aimed to discourage people from taking this path but I did not believe those teens got the message.

All in all it was really a bad show. It went absolutely absurd after he escaped to Los Angeles and met up with two hot blondes and confessed how much fun he had. It was totally unacceptable for Ch7 to broadcast such a distasteful personal show-off after Ben Cousins ruined his career and his family.

The guy is a tosser and way too up himself. His addictive personality was the very reason made him a strong athlete, however, the same superman mentality also marked his Achilles' heel. It made him thinking he cannot be destroyed by drug and led to his ultimate fall. He clearly was lapping this attention up and loving it. All the money, the fame, and so on. The whole show lacked any trace of regret to the pain he caused to his family and fellow players.

Unfortunately he is such a high profile role model in sports. And for this kind of self-righteous piece of crap, all he really needed is nothing more than a kick in the teeth.

绝不浪费青春2010-08-26 01:46:41
澳洲媒体一直有glorify drug use and crimes的嗜好