1972年建交协议,日本人保证遵守 波茨坦公告;除非翻脸!
《波茨坦公告》第八条说得什么?就是 ---“(八)开罗宣言之条件必将实施,而日本之主权必将限于本州、北海道、九州、四国及吾人所决定其他小岛之内。” (没琉球 钓鱼岛)
1972 when japan and mainland commie were establishing official diplomatic relation, there was a joint declaration of both japan and PRC. in which japanese government guarantees china that japan comprehensively understand and respect the chinese stand in that the taiwan is a part of PRC ,Japanese gov. will stick with the chapter 8 of the Potsdam Proclamation
the chapter 8 of the Potsdam Proclamation(The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out,and Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu,Shikoku, and such minor islands as we determine..)
Potsdam Proclamation is a joint declaration, so japan wants Liuqio or Diaoyu Island , no problem, but needs to be authorized by joint agreement of 4 countries (china,USA,russia,GB)(中美俄英). so japan is in day dream....