null_pointer2010-10-30 23:40:53

India will top China: Howard

FORMER prime minister John Howard has predicted China's one-child policy and its political philosophy will allow India to supersede it as the dominant nation in Asia before the end of the 21st century

'' I do not share the view China will ever outstrip the United States as an economic power or military power,'' he said at a Sydney Morning Herald/Dymocks literary lunch to promote his autobiography, Lazarus Rising.

''The other problem China has is she will grow old before she grows rich, she's got a terrible demographic problem because of the one-child policy

“ India is a younger country and I wouldn't be surprised if by the end of the century India is a more powerful country”


片仔癀2010-10-31 00:17:56
禅城小子2010-10-31 01:15:11