TheRegulars2010-11-13 20:48:38




20061227日,有人在东区一幢大楼的垃圾桶内发现一具床被包裹的女士,经确认为该楼住户,年龄81岁的犹太裔Schweitzer女士。她是一名纳粹大屠杀幸存者。嫌疑人是Schweitzer的邻居,来自中国的30岁男子Tan Zheng,他的妻子Sisi Song则是Schweitzer的照顾人/佣人。法证调查发现,捆绑女尸的绳子和腰带上都残留有Tan ZhengDNA。死者睡房的枕头上更找到了一部分Tan Zheng的指纹。死者留有数百万财产。


警方因没有起诉Tan Zheng



Tan Zheng之后因涉及洗钱和假支票案被起诉,但陪审团认为他无罪。


zhmz8882010-11-14 05:45:02
if they cannot nail him with evidences according to the law
TheRegular2010-11-14 10:03:42
Because the suppression order has been lifted if you care to rea
zhmz8882010-11-14 12:29:42
is that mean that we cannot judge him but the medias (enternanin
zhmz8882010-11-14 12:30:43
is that mean that we cannot judge him but the medias (enternanin