不知道我是谁2011-01-17 03:31:57

大水是因为global warming,燃煤是global warming的主要原因,所以,要对煤矿企业征收rspt


殊不知,澳洲的主要产煤基地在qld,真是雪上加霜;另外反对人士认为,qld1893年就有一次大水,Bri*****ane  river到了9米,那也是global warming 引起的?


qld政府已经回应了:The Queensland Government says it is not good science to link the Queensland floods to the coal mining industry.


Queensland's Natural Resources Minister Stephen Robertson says Senator Brown's comments do not help.

"We need to take a sober look as to what occurred, particularly in terms of what the Bureau of Meteorology is telling us," he said.

"But to go out there at this point in time and point the finger in particular directions is not good science and I don't think the debate about climate change is particularly well served by those more emotional outbursts that we've been seeing by some individuals."

mr-leaf2011-01-17 03:41:37
绿党就是shit, 他们比工党要恶心多了
不知道我是谁2011-01-17 03:58:10
不知道我是谁2011-01-17 03:58:44