null_pointer2011-02-17 03:13:07

“asked Bob Muglia, the Microsoft President in charge of the company’s server and tools business, that very question and got what I consider to be the clearest answer yet about how Microsoft is evolving its Silverlight strategy.

Silverlight is our development platform for Windows Phone,” he said. Silverlight also has some “sweet spots” in media and line-of-business applications, he said.

But when it comes to touting Silverlight as Microsoft’s vehicle for delivering a cross-platform runtime, “our strategy has shifted,” Muglia told me.

Silverlight will continue to be a cross-platform solution, working on a variety of operating system/browser platforms, going forward, he said. “But HTML is the only true cross platform solution for everything, including (Apple’s) iOS platform,” Muglia said.



Told you so!


awwwwww. told you so!

天外飞砖2011-02-17 03:18:23
100 years old~~~~~早就辟谣了~~~~~~~~~~~~
null_pointer2011-02-17 03:23:58
where is this 辟谣?
不知道我是谁2011-02-17 03:27:19
or you could say: the screwdriver is to die because of the hamm
null_pointer2011-02-17 03:33:38
that is just a spin
不知道我是谁2011-02-17 03:38:27
不知道我是谁2011-02-17 03:48:42
ie firefox, chrome & safari都支持silverlight
天外飞砖2011-02-17 03:50:36
天外飞砖2011-02-17 03:55:17
SL和浏览器没啥关系。SL是跑在SL runtime上
不知道我是谁2011-02-17 03:55:23
不知道我是谁2011-02-17 03:55:55
天外飞砖2011-02-17 04:00:20
不知道我是谁2011-02-17 04:00:55
其实silverlight对应的是 b2b用户。
不知道我是谁2011-02-17 04:02:32
null_pointer2011-02-17 04:11:28
不知道我是谁2011-02-17 04:17:23
说实在的,intel cpu当时是不咋样,当时risc独领潮流, 但后来intel 占领市场。