禅城小子2011-02-24 22:26:32

103 confirmed fatalities - four names released
228 missing
70 live rescues
10 international teams on the ground
559 rescuers on the ground
594 seen by emergency departments - 164 of those admitted to hospital
2000 people have had treatment for injuries
11 patients in intensive care
452 people in welfare centres
(this number was down on the September quake as more people were self-evacuating the city)
20,131 calls to the Government's help-line
Five active welfare centres

禅城小子2011-02-24 22:45:46
113 at 11:02 AM
似曾相識2011-02-24 23:45:08
sesamepeanuts2011-02-24 23:59:59
sesamepeanuts2011-02-25 01:41:08
没事 没事,活到老 学到老