TBLACK2011-05-19 03:06:56
D.是因为恐吓了证人么,PROTUGESE CHICHEN 是啥样子啊?这个我没太看明白。

A.To a P-plate driver and serial traffic offender in January 2009
"You will find big, ugly, hairy strong men who’ve got faces only a mother could love that will pay a lot of attention to you – and your anatomy. Scary isn’t it? But that’s what will happen. You will ... do the traffic offenders program. If you don’t do what they say, you will effectively be telling me that you want to go and shower with the gorillas in the mist down at Long Bay jail. "

B. In convicting a newsagent in 2006 of dangerous driving for swerving at cyclists
"I know there is a certain degree of antipathy towards cyclists. It’s often said they don’t have insurance or registration but they use the roadway. What are we going to do, ask Steve Moneghetti to register his shoes? If we can’t have cyclists getting fit, if we can’t have cyclists representing Australia, what’s it all for? We might as well take rowers out of the Nepean River. We might as well take surfers out of the sea and swimmers out of pools."

C. To a self-represented man after refusing his request for an adjournment in 2008
"No matter who you brought along, who appeared for you, even if it was [top criminal barrister] Chester Porter himself out of retirement, no one could get you over the hurdles that you’ve got. There aren’t hurdles. This is like pole vaulting from a standing start."

D. In Burwood Local Court in 2009 in relation to an AVO case
"When you get in the witness box it’s like open heart surgery. They cut you open – pull you open like some Portuguese chicken and mess with your bits."
Magistrate Brian Maloney quotes, which are not subject to any known complaint
臭鼬,花花的2011-05-19 03:10:57
这个老大的英文快跟华叔的华文一样powderful了! 敬礼!!!
东东西西2011-05-19 03:13:27
TBLACK2011-05-19 03:19:02
东东西西2011-05-19 03:20:16
TBLACK2011-05-19 03:26:31
天外飞砖2011-05-19 03:28:48
哈哈哈,这货以为他是Judge Jude一样的脱口秀么?请他去7PM Project一定大热!
sesamepeanuts2011-05-19 03:32:04
靠,真是佩服他 淋漓尽致
胡同里的二顺子2011-05-19 03:33:35
东东西西2011-05-19 03:33:49
TBLACK2011-05-19 03:50:56
臭鼬,花花的2011-05-19 03:57:10
TBLACK2011-05-19 04:06:51