adacat2011-10-27 00:13:19


Reviews & Ratings for "Today Tonight"

Author: Cri*****90 from Melbourne, Australia

For years I've endured this early evening garbage only because I don't have control over the remote. Characterized by biased reviews and cheap story gimmicks, Today Tonight often goes to enormous lengths in attracting ratings.

Nothing makes me more nauseous than those stories that feature sad music in the background in a vain attempt at evoking emotion from only the most impressionable viewers. The variety of stories TT runs are both predictable and stale and have been ever since I was old enough to understand the term "sensationalist journalism". However I must admit I haven't seen a "dodgy mechanic/builder" episode for a while. Instead the program has recently been opting for stories such as white goods or electronics that spontaneously explode in the night. I'm reduced to fits of laughter every time I hear presenter Anna Coren dramatically demand, "Watch tonight to find out if the ticking time bomb is in your kitchen" (also known as a dishwasher in most Australian households).

But it would have to be those episodes they run about rival network channel 9 that really gets my blood boiling. Within weeks (or days) of a successful series being aired, TT will no doubt be there to reveal the "truth" to viewers all around the country. "This show is actually televised 10 minutes before you see it therefore it isn't really live at all. They've been fooling you all along". Just one example of the tactics this dreadful program tries to shove down viewers throats.

Even more bewildering is the mysterious stories they run where your left asking more questions than before the episode even aired. I will confess however that the only reason I would ever actually choose to watch this program over recorded repeats of Antiques Road Show is if the episode featured the famous "dirty grumpy old drunken neighbor" story. I find them hilarious. Especially the scenes of violent chaos as they swipe at the camera man or prod the boom operator with a broom.

Please do the world a favor and switch this program off the next time you hear the dramatic opening sequence of TT polluting your still half intelligent brain... unless of course there's a neighbor dispute story. Instead wait until 60 minutes on Sunday.

0012011-10-27 02:34:49
TT应该定位为娱乐节目,就象Top Gear不应该算汽车专业节目一样
vulcan_on_ice2011-10-27 02:48:57
Do you really understand Top Gear?
非典型性淑女2011-10-27 03:37:44
vulcan_on_ice2011-10-27 03:56:26
adacat2011-10-27 04:29:14
嗯,同一个节目,都是有不同的看点。~~俺家的,看top gear就是奔主持人和里面的对话去的
非典型性淑女2011-10-27 04:41:46
vulcan_on_ice2011-10-27 04:49:04
非典型性淑女2011-10-27 05:57:21
恶,under belly,里面一群粗鲁得要死的鬼婆