adacat2012-07-31 12:11:10

The British Olympic Association's chairman has said teenage Chinese swimmer Ye Shiwen is not a drug cheat, after a US coach cast doubt on her world record-breaking swim.


Lord Colin Moynihan said Ye, 16, had passed drug tests, was "clean" and deserved recognition for her talent.

民工老大2012-07-31 14:58:33
那个叫Alan Jones的播音员竟然被邀请上Foxtel的奥运转播中对叶提出禁药质疑,可耻的白猪!.
贾博士2012-08-01 10:19:33
zhmz8882012-08-01 12:36:06
alan jones 是澳洲第一右派电台2ue的第一主持!
zhmz8882012-08-01 12:38:24
john law 原来是第一号,alan, 就是靠他敢说。。。不要脸吸引右派的。。
zhmz8882012-08-03 08:11:53
sorry 是2gb电台 很二的几把!