ActRiot2012-08-14 13:53:45

Budget-priced Chinese cars, utes and SUVs have components made of a*****estos*****estos/story-fndo4eg9-1226450360589

COMPONENTS made of a*****estos have thrown a shadow over the import of budget-priced Chinese cars.

Despite assurances from the companies Great Wall and Chery, a local check has revealed that close to 25,000 cars, utes and SUVs are potentially affected by a*****estos gaskets.

The presence of a*****estos has raised a major safety concern for bargain-basement brands that sell primarily on price.

In China, production has been stopped while the companies source alternate components. The Australian importer, Ateco Automotive, is waiting for a ruling by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission over a potential recall.

Ateco says its own investigation points to a relatively minor safety risk, mostly at the time of repairs or servicing at a dealership, but it refuses to comment on the chance of a safety recall.

ActRiot2012-08-14 13:58:08