黑色的公爵2014-12-16 09:52:11
一位名叫Jason Maggs的悉尼居民昨天下午在他的Facebook页面上发布了一篇日志,他不是什么名人,可是这篇日志短短时间内就有近两万次转发,作为一名平凡人,他在恐怖主义事件发生时表达了所有澳大利亚人,以及所有热爱和平,不畏恐惧的人们的心声:












I just caught a train home through the central Sydney line. The mood was very different to my usual monday afternoon trip home.
Less people were looking down at their phones. As you walked past complete strangers they gave you a little nod and a smile.
As I got off at central station I saw two grown men in suits run into each other, they obviously knew one and other. They gave each other a manly hug and asked "how ya goin?"... they both responded with "Yeah... shit day but good, I'm going good mate."

I realised on my trip home that terrorism WILL NEVER work in Australia. We are not scared. We are not terrorised. We are gravely concerned about our brothers and sisters in that coffee shop. But you will not win. You will never be able to tear apart this nation.

Because we have a weapon stronger than yours.

Stronger than your religious beliefs, stronger than your hatred, stronger than your pathetic fear mongering, stronger than your misguided violence, stronger than you.

We are Australians and we have a secret weapon you will never have or understand...mateship.

We are a nation of mates who will never be broken by the actions of a cowardice few.

What I realised on the way home was that in your attempt to scare our nation you have galvanised our mateship.

You failed.