leslieking2020-07-14 14:56:00

周末开在i5车胎爆了,费了牛劲换了备胎(hook rod twisted badly, barely completed the job)。
昨天看了一下胎压80 psi与tire wear 9/32, 正常使用仍有二万英里寿命。这轮胎补过一次,有钉子。
有可能产商Toyo country要rebate? 旧车我不是原主。

Called the manufacturer and was told the psi for front needs to be 55, back 59 when towing.  need to lower the psi.  

also I learned when nail poked thr, air and moisture can get inside the tube and create blown tire.  

jassco2020-07-14 18:10:48
Never drove a truck. But
老金工2020-07-14 18:50:18
F-250, 55-80psi depending on which year/brand tire. 18轮卡车轮胎超级圆..
soccer882020-07-14 22:28:23
现在胎都是tubeless, 一般卡车车胎压不超过40psi
萨克斯风2020-07-15 04:30:23
bushihandyman2020-07-15 12:38:12
你这个像是擦了tire wall, 自己开车的问题吧?
MoonRiverMe2020-07-15 15:02:18
leslieking2020-07-15 21:44:00
车子是lifted, 所以轮胎尺寸与压力与stock 有出入。80psi是写在车门上。