tomcat8012021-03-22 22:08:26

册上说合成机油可last7500,机油瓶上说last 1万多迈!

(上面信息凭记忆我没再核对 可能 略有 出入,就是个大概意思吧)

这就好办了: 我就找到 如何 reset oil life  的视频 照猫画虎, 几分钟就

100%  oil  life  了!  嘻嘻哈哈  换好了!  哈哈哈哈

(我去年夏天 "换的" 现在还有 50% oil life 呢,BTW 我的车用合成机油)  坚持到疫情过去 再去换油!


"It used to be normal to change the oil every 3,000 miles, but with modern lubricants most engines today have recommended oil change intervals of 5,000 to 7,500 miles. Moreover, if your car's engine requires full-synthetic motor oil, it might go as far as 15,000 miles between services!"

you search  "reset  oil  life  " and find how to do it on your  vihicle.

Reset oil life  举例::   

1-Turn the ignition to run (second position)

2-Press the INFO button to scroll until the Oil Life displays
老金工2021-03-23 04:05:03
MoonRiverMe2021-03-23 13:07:48
7149迈,14个月之后 oil life 5%,这是我上次换油时的记录
tomcat8012021-03-23 16:14:26
你的豪车 oil life 表 好准那!
tomcat8012021-03-23 16:23:41
换不换 或者 换没换 确实是个问题, 找正规的 shop (我是到dealer or walmart )花几十块钱买个安心
老金工2021-03-23 18:24:28
MoonRiverMe2021-03-23 18:31:37
khyang862021-03-23 19:25:31
xyun20132021-03-25 05:36:37
khyang862021-03-25 13:18:49