MoonRiverMe2021-10-29 02:07:27

这个12v的plug 太长了,挡住我换挡





得改造改造,剪掉,焊在USB car charger上,至少短了一寸,那一寸不过是个保险管而己,不要也罢,反正sigarette socket车上本身有保险。


michaelusa22021-10-29 13:57:07
G35 manual transmission? --not seeing many those car
MoonRiverMe2021-10-29 14:09:14
Yes, among all the cars only 2.4% are manual
michaelusa22021-10-29 16:58:22
nissan tend to use vehicle weight to gain lots of tire grip duri
MoonRiverMe2021-10-29 17:46:01
Weight doesn't help cornering but suspension tuning
michaelusa22021-10-29 22:54:33
nice!, coz, some article said GTR's weight helps its' tire grip
michaelusa22021-10-29 22:59:50
guess on different road, optimal suspension tuning will be diffe
tomcat8012021-10-30 01:53:44