老哈哈2022-03-16 02:53:35

多谢前次网友关心,报告一下后续。 车提回来,开了不到三十英里,感觉方向盘有些重,运行尚平稳,其他功能都还正常。放心不下,决定送到Volvo dealer 查查看是否有power steering 的问题。结果人家说方向盘OK,但是右前轮strut有少许leaking,建议更换,要价1200。另外建议更换vacuum pump seal,要四百多。 再有就是前轮刹车盘略有不平,dealer 更换要540(两侧)。他们建议我把车带回卖车行,要求保修。 

跟卖车行联系,人家事这些东西都不在30天保修范围,既然车通过年检,就可以开。网上查了一下,Volvo S80 的 strut 一般寿命就在9万迈,vacuum pump 也差不多。决定让卖车行把上述问题全部处理了,他们报价770。 明天去取。

上周末适逢春雪,上路一试,感觉Volvo的行车舒适度不如家里的cadi, 但是确实很重,雪地行车放心感强。交给孩子用两年,还算放心。但愿她能喜欢而且珍惜。

查了一下州年检条例,leak strut 还真不在其列。


11.2.2 – Suspension
Look for missing, shifted, cracked, or broken leaf springs.
Look for broken or distorted coil springs.
If vehicle is equipped with torsion bars, torque arms, or other types of suspension components, check that they are not damaged and are mounted securely.
Air ride suspension should be checked for damage and leaks.

Look for cracked or broken spring hangers, missing or damaged bushings, and broken, loose, or missing bolts, u-bolts or other axle mounting parts. (The mounts should be checked at each point where they are secured to the vehicle frame and axle[s]).
Shock Absorbers
See that shock absorbers are secure and that there are no leaks.
Note: Be prepared to perform the same suspension components inspection on every axle (power unit and trailer, if equipped).




DC_Jeeper2022-03-17 00:04:48
老哈哈2022-03-17 12:20:52
bushihandyman2022-03-17 15:35:33
Volvo 挺耐用的