黄玫瑰8882014-10-16 20:06:52
的Venture Capitalist. 天才似的人物。很小就是国际象棋好手。人也帅。He's openly gay. 他的慈善基金支持很多改变社会的项目。A remarkable person.包括我们这正竞选加州议员的华裔候选人。而三藩市更是同性恋大本营,可湾区可是美国最富庶的地方,是科技创新的发源地。性取向的东西多数是天生的,喜欢男的还是女的是天性,不否认有些人愿意尝鲜。一个包容开放的社会才是强盛的,欧洲对同性恋比美国宽容的多,也没灭亡。少操那心,倒是中国现在退回人民专政,有危机了。

Peter Andreas Thiel (born October 11, 1967) is a German American entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and hedge fund manager. Thiel cofounded PayPal with Max Levchin and Elon Musk and served as its CEO. He also co-founded Palantir, of which he is chairman. He serves as president of Clarium Capital, a global macro hedge fund with $700 million in assets under management; a managing partner in Founders Fund, a venture capital fund with $2 billion in assets under management; co-founder and investment committee chair of Mithril Capital Management; and co-founder and chairman of Valar Ventures.[4][5][6] He was the first outside investor in Facebook, the popular social-networking site, with a 10.2% stake acquired in 2004 for $500,000, and sits on the company's board of directors. Thiel was ranked #293 on the Forbes 400 in 2011, with a net worth of $1.5 billion as of March 2012.[2] He was ranked #4 on the Forbes Midas List of 2014 at $2.2 billion.[7] Thiel lives in San Francisco, California.[8]

黄玫瑰8882014-10-16 20:10:50
Peter Thiel on Gay CEOs
FL棉农2014-10-16 20:17:49
包容谈何容易,和你意见相左的人你能容下?恨不得立刻打S。还是免开尊口谈包容 为好:(
weston2014-10-16 20:29:49
你说的是共党吧? 刚在隔壁贴了土改时的全面暴行, 老棉不妨读读
FL棉农2014-10-16 20:32:31
呵呵,小宝,别看你我吵吵嚷嚷,可相处还挺愉快。中文有退步,来哥教你一把。全 句是: 恨不得立刻,这些都(形容词),来装饰形容打字
FL棉农2014-10-16 20:36:03
野生动物摄影家2014-10-16 20:47:52
他在暗指Tim Cook
黄玫瑰8882014-10-16 20:50:04
Yeah, that' s what I think of cook. 气质很阴柔。
FL棉农2014-10-16 20:50:42
W弟,其实都一样。细细想来只用一句话解释: 树欲静,风不止。听过广西白搞的十 万大山十万军的暴动吗? 你讲TG面对此应该如何做?
FL棉农2014-10-16 20:52:03
weston2014-10-16 20:53:12
江浙的地主们.于此有何关系? 不分青红皂白, 以阶级划分之, 在当年你也会被镇压.
FL棉农2014-10-16 21:00:59
谢谢你-2014-10-16 21:13:24
FL棉农2014-10-16 21:15:27
uptoyou2014-10-16 22:40:03