FL棉农2014-12-29 21:20:08
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush garners nearly one-quarter of Republican support in the race for the White House, according to the latest CNN poll. With 23 percent, Bush is 10 points ahead of Chris Christie, his closest rival.
用户名被占用了2014-12-29 21:34:49
Don't know his position on immigration reform
FL棉农2014-12-29 21:42:41
用户名被占用了2014-12-29 21:58:40
then latino immigrants will win in either way
FL棉农2014-12-29 22:13:16
西北狼踏上美利堅2014-12-30 03:29:35
smarter than his elder brother, and nicer
soccer882014-12-30 07:13:16
低头的谷穗112014-12-30 15:04:14
Jeb Bush 干的不错,2年前就说劳动力人数居美国第四的Florida失业率一直很低,税负减至10年来的最低点。