虽然美国在全世界推行民主,世界上绝大多数人把美国当初了普世的模范。 可能掩盖了美国实际的窘境。 窘境很多了,枪支泛滥、贫富加大、债台高筑、犯罪率高,吃不饱,等等。
吃不饱是一个很严峻的社会问题。 有小孩的,都知道学校有offer免费午餐,当然条件是小孩的家庭要穷。 周围的这样的穷人似乎很少,这是因为我们的住区通常都不是最差的。
最差的住区通常在city里面,大家或许不知道,city里面的学校,其实有两个功能: 一个是提供教育、另一个就是提供食品。 小孩们知道,只要去了学校,就会有饭吃,就这么简单。
举个例子, DPS所有小孩都有早饭、午饭、下午茶。 虽然说regardless of income,但我估计去那里读书的绝大多数童鞋,基本上都在贫困标准以下。
Starting this fall, all Detroit Public Schools students in grades K-12 will receive breakfast, lunch and snacks
at no charge in an effort to ensure all children receive healthy meals, regardless of income.
附: 美国挨饿的人口:
Food Insecurity and Very Low Food Security
- In 2013, 49.1 million Americans lived in food insecure households, including 33.3 million adults and 15.8 million children.
- In 2013, 14 percent of households (17.5 million households) were food insecure.
- In 2013, 6 percent of households (6.8 million households) experienced very low food security.