美国使馆指出:"我们正在对决定引起的技术性后果进行研究,这一决定可能会对援助吉尔吉斯斯坦的计划构成威胁。"美使馆提到的援助计划包含的内容有:反对极端 主义、帮助吉尔吉斯斯坦促进经济增长和创造就业机会、完善教育和支持民主发展。美国与吉尔吉斯斯坦的合作协议允许美国免税向吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国出口用于实施美国计划的商品,并赋予项目负责人外交豁免权。
报道称,7月17日吉尔吉斯斯坦政府发表声明称,准备废除1993年与美国签订的合作协议,因美国国务院决定授予吉尔吉斯维权人士阿齐姆忠•阿斯卡罗夫 (Azimjon Askarov)"人权卫士"奖。在吉尔吉斯斯坦,阿斯卡罗夫因严重罪行被判终身监禁,其罪行包括煽动民族仇恨、组织群体骚乱,以及在2010年6月吉尔 吉斯斯坦南部骚乱中参与杀害执法机关工作人员。5年前,吉尔吉斯斯坦人与乌兹别克斯坦人爆发民族冲突的几天内,442人死亡、约1000人受伤。
The U.S. has provided nearly $2 billion in assistance since the country's independence in 1991 "to support and strengthen Kyrgyzstan’s democratic transition", it said.
Marc Marc Lee 8 hours ago 4 7
These folks simply read the handwriting on the wall. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the BRICS alliance are becoming the new heavyweights. Until we get American back (as well as our Constitution) the U$ puppet government is a spent force, particularly in the Stans.
So the Pentagram and the Department of State simply need to suck it up and put some of those resources back into the decaying American infrastructure like the recently collapsed section of I-10 between Arizona and SoCal ~ and our laughingstock of a passenger rail system.
Brian 12 hours ago 1 15
The US government does some dumb things. This is one of them.
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RandyH 18 hours ago 11 144
Washington warned Monday that any move to sever the agreement "could put assistance programmes that benefit the Kyrgyzstani people in jeopardy".
So, we can't even get a bridge built, a highway repaired, educate our kids, fight violent crime in our cities, and protect our borders, or get a tax cut because of the money needed for these things, but we can give the Kyrgyzstani people our money??? When are we ever going to learn to take care of the U.S. and quit handing out our tax dollars to every foreign country that has a hand out?????
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Margriet 15 hours ago 5 18
Nobody wants the US anymore.Lecturing others while you have poor,horendous and most outrageous human rights violation practises at home is not the way to go.America must sweep her house clean before cleaning others. You don't go to sweep your neighbour's house while yours is dirty.
A lot of incidents happen in the US lately which call for rigorous self assessment and accountability vis-a-vis human rights. Yahoo is doing a good job by bringing us information and must please keep it up.
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web 8 hours ago 5 5
So, it's all about money, eh?
The US again strong arming a country. Oh yeah, that comes after the US undermining existing government as in this case. This is a standard MO repeated many times. Now comes the CIA and plant unrest and distribute arms like it was in the Ukraine, Libya, Syria and other places.
Don't you just love this .... democracy.... promoting administration?
Meanwhile back at home, they spy on every part of your life. Now they can read every email after the mail dated six months without court permission.
The Nazi Gestapo techniques are not forgotten.
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stirandsavor 15 hours ago 5 19
Another country now ticked off at the US. Why is our amateur State Dept involved? They have enough Human Rights Awards out there the UN has one as well "The United Nations Prizes in the Field of Human Rights were instituted by United Nations General Assembly resolution 2217 in 1966. They are intended to "honour and commend people and organizations which have made an outstanding contribution to the promotion and protection of the human rights embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in other United Nations human rights instruments".
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Jeremiah 7 hours ago 1 3
Now we know why America's so broke. We give every country we can buy money to support the US new world order policies & more. Here wages & benefits are going down & these corrupt swine give billions of our tax dollars to foreign counties, Who Hate us. It's not just Obama, read the Article since 1993! Clinton & Baby Bush did it, Obama's still doing it. This transcends both parties!
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