没离开过2016-01-20 14:34:37


Bernanke downplayed concerns over China's slowing growth. "The overall slowdown doesn’t look to be so severe to really threaten the global economy at this point," Bernanke said at a forum.

Instead, China's making a crucial shift from an economy driven by debt-fueled investment and heavy industry to one juiced by consumption and services.

"You have to have a transition to more services if you want to keep the economy growing and providing jobs," Bernanke said. "You can't continue to grow by 10 percent by building new dams."

sh-ning2016-01-20 14:36:33
没离开过2016-01-20 14:41:38
呵呵, 加息以回笼美元和大打石油战, 也许要砸了自己的脚。
没离开过2016-01-20 14:59:38