mypresident2017-12-01 03:45:36


Are people who support Donald Trump racist xenophobes? by Ben Skirvin





Preface, I did not vote for Trump. But, I want to point something out.

This photograph was taken by a friend of mine who works as a freelance photographer for a variety of national and international publications including Time Magazine.

It was published under a number of rather alarming headlines, including one which described it as an “apocalyptic” image of the future if Trump won the election.


This puzzled me.


The photo was taken at a campaign rally in Loveland, CO. It is a city of about 50,000 people. Of those, 92.85 percent are Caucasian. The median per capita income in Loveland, CO is about $21,000 per year.

这张照片拍摄于一次在 Loveland, CO 进行的竞选集会。这是一座有50,000的城市,其中92.85%是高加索人(白人),人均年收入是21,000刀。

Up until 1985, a factory run by the Great Western Sugar Company provided most of the jobs. But, that closed and it’s only partially been replaced by a handful of smaller manufacturing plants.

直到1985年,一家叫做Great Western Sugar Company的公司的工厂提供了这里大部分的工作岗位。但是在它关闭后,仅有数家小型的制造厂提供部分的工作岗位。

That’s all demographics and history, but that’s not what puzzled me.


I grew up in the heart of the Rust Belt. My grandfather ran a small town electrical repair shop. My uncle worked in a munitions plant on a military base outside the microscopic town where he was raised. My cousin worked in a factory producing cabinets until he was laid off a few years ago for the third time in two years. Now he strings together part-time work, a convenience store during the day and bouncer at local bar at night.

我在Rust Belt的中心区长大,我祖父运营了一家小的电器修理铺。我叔叔则在家乡的小镇外的军工厂里工作。我的堂兄弟在一家生产柜子的工厂里工作,但很快,他在2年内第三次失业了。现在他白天在便利店,晚上则在当地的酒吧里当保镖。

When I look at that picture, I don’t see racist. I don’t see bigots. I don’t see hillbillies or rednecks. I don’t see deplorables.


I see a bunch of people pretty similar to my grandfather, uncle and cousin.

At this point in my life, I doubt I have many common opinions with those folks anymore.

But, most of them tried to be the best people they knew how to be.


The problem was never that they were bad people.


The problem was that nobody knew how to talk to them in a way that related to their world. It was a failure of imagination. Worse, it was a failure of empathy.

其实只是没有人知道如何以他们的方式与他们进行交流。这不仅是想象力( imagination)的失败,这更是同理心( empathy)的失败

Think of it this way.


How do you convince a working class conservative guy from rural western Kentucky to support gay marriage?

你应该怎样去说服一个来自western Kentucky农村的保守的工人去支持同性婚姻呢?

Well, first you imagine the world as he sees it. It’s marketing 101. Know your audience.


This guy doesn’t have much in common with a college educated, middle class, social media marketing director from midtown Manhattan. That’s not a world that he lives in.


He doesn’t have much in common with a Gender Studies professor from Harvard.


So, maybe those are not your best spokespeople.


Surely, there is one gay man somewhere in the South or Midwest working in manual labor. Ideally, he’s a former marine who grew up poor in a trailer park or on a farm. But, he worked hard, joined the military, fought for his country, came home and started a contracting business.


It started out small, but now he’s proud to employ 5 hardworking Americans.


And why does this hardworking American want to talk to you about gay marriage?


Because he loves his husband?


Because he wants to plead for fair treatment?


Because of equality, peace and understanding?


Hell no.


He wants to talk to you about gay marriage because these ***** bureaucrats in Lexington are fucking with his tax bill and the lawyer fees on all this fucking government paper work is bleeding him dry. He wants to file a joint tax return on his business as a married man and these bastard politicians won’t let him, because they’re greedy sons of bitches.


And this is the most important part.


If they’re willing to cheat a hardworking veteran like that, what’s stopping these leeches from coming after you?




You thought this was about equal rights?


You thought this was about properly categorizing various gender identities into their neat little containers?


You thought this was about love and hate and big bearded man in the sky hating gay people?

It never occurred to you that it’s really a tax and regulatory overreach issue.


Some guy working two jobs making $10.50 an hour doesn’t have much time to think about the difference between gender queer and two souls. Nor does he have much interest in learning.

那些打着两份工,每小时赚10.50刀的人才没有时间去考虑性别酷儿(既非男也非女的性别认知)和双魂人(two souls,LGBT的另一种称呼,目前不太明白该怎么翻译)又什么区别,他也没兴趣去了解。

But, by god, he’s right there with you when it comes to lawyers and bureaucrats being *****s and taxes being too damned high. He understands that.


And what about that working class guy?


Where’d you lose him?


Go watch Harlan County, USA and ask yourself if all those union coal miners are dyed in the wool Republicans. That movie is set in 1976 and every last one of those hard-bitten bastards went to the polling booth and proudly voted union blue Democrat.

去看看《Harlan County, USA 》(一部挺老的纪录片,得过奥斯卡,主要讲述煤矿工人发起罢工),问问你自己那些煤矿工人到底是不是彻头彻尾的共和党。在这部1976年的电影这些硬气的老骨头就把票全都投给了蓝党。

Jimmy Carter won Kentucky that year by 7 percentage points.

Jimmy Carter以7个点的优势赢了肯塔基。

Bernie Sanders understood that.

Bernie Sanders再清楚不过了。

He came to deepest red Indiana and he pummeled Clinton in a humiliating defeat. He also won Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota.


His strategy in those states was simple and pure.


Find the nearest group of laid-off factory workers and promise to punish the bastards who closed their factory.


Because that’s what Democrats are suppose to do.


In his heart of hearts, that high school educated factory worker knows with absolute certainty that management is a bunch of greedy bastards who’d lay off good people to save $.02 on the bottom line.


Tap into that rage and turn it into something better.




