风中的云2006-03-11 00:16:39
是中了招吗? 谁有这方面的经验吗?
Home PC, WinXp pro,+SP2 norton installed
风中的云2006-03-11 01:17:23
没有人知道该怎么办吗?急!我 restore 了系统都不管用
风中的云2006-03-11 01:56:07
没人理?还是自己去 Google 吧。。。but how!
风中的云2006-03-11 05:06:41
yes, most of the sites except Google
hello22006-03-11 08:46:11
try to ping www.google.com 1st
风中的云2006-03-11 09:27:59
Pinged, but Request timed out
hello22006-03-11 09:47:35
风中的云2006-03-11 12:16:49
This one works. it brings me to google
makecad12006-03-12 08:51:17
it looks like your host file was hijaked, check this file
风中的云2006-03-12 09:52:17
Thanks a lot! In the hosts file there is nothing but localhost l